What to do if the cat is walking

What to do if the cat is walking

Sooner or later, any healthy cat begins to demand a cat. Her estrus is accompanied by loud screams and attempts to escape. With such behavior, the four-legged pet harasses both himself and the owner. If the cat is walking, and you are not going to take her with the cat, you need to find the right solution for this issue.

How to understand that a cat has started to walk

Outdoor cats can be in heat during the spring and fall. But domestic cats are not tied to the season. Since the animals are provided with warmth and food, they are ready to reproduce in any season. On average, a cat’s estrus lasts 7-10 days. If she has not become pregnant, then a new estrus occurs within 2-3 weeks.

If a cat walks, with her screams she does not let her owners sleep all night.

The behavior of a pet during this period is very characteristic, it cannot be confused with anything. But if a cat is living with you for the first time, here are the hallmarks of behavior during estrus:

  • the cat meows loudly;
  • she assumes a mating pose. In this position, she bends her front paws and takes her tail to the side;
  • goes to the toilet past the tray;
  • becomes very affectionate, constantly rubs against his legs.

During estrus, even the most fearful and domestic cat tends to jump out of the apartment, since instincts call her there. During this period, you need to monitor it very carefully.

What to do when your cat starts to walk

There are several ways to calm a walking cat:

  • sterilization. The most humane and sure method. It not only relieves the cat from the need for reproduction, but also protects its health. Sterilized cats have a much longer belly than unsterilized ones;
  • decrease in diet. Cut back on your cat’s portions during estrus, feed her abundantly only at night, so that she, after eating, falls asleep;
  • distraction by games. If the cat wastes energy on games, she will not have the energy to find the cat;
  • sedatives. In veterinary pharmacies, you can buy medicines based on chamomile and other herbs. Of course, they will not completely silence the cat, but they will calm her down a little. The main thing is that herbal natural preparations are safe for the pet’s health.

Some owners prefer to give their pets a potent pill like Contra-Sex or Sex Barrier. This is a huge mistake. These pills will really calm the animal down. However, in almost 100% of cases, pets develop fatal diseases after taking them!

If your cat walks, and you find it difficult to decide between all the methods described above, contact your veterinarian. He will tell you the most suitable way to calm your loving pet.

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