What to do if stopped by a traffic police inspector
Traffic cops have become less likely to stop on the roads – this is a fact. If they stand somewhere near the remaining checkpoints or at the entrances to cities, then they catch trucks more often. But cars with codes of foreign regions on the numbers also fall under distribution, and sometimes a traffic cop may not be limited to checking documents. We tell you what to do if the traffic police inspector stopped

Some of the drivers hear “good luck” from the inspector immediately after presenting the documents, while for others, the transfer of documents is only a prelude to a long conversation. Why is that?

“The law “On Police” allows police officers to inspect vehicles and goods if they are suspected of being used for illegal purposes,” the traffic police explain. – Inspection is carried out with the participation of drivers. A sufficient basis for inspection is the presence of mere suspicion.

And suspicion is not the only reason. There are other reasons:

  • orientation and other information about the use of the machine for illegal purposes;
  • reconciliation of the numbers in the numbers, or “the need to verify the markings of the vehicle and reconcile them with entries in the registration documents”;
  • for trucks – the presence of signs of non-compliance of the cargo with the data specified in the accompanying documents.

In short, if it seems to the policeman that the case smells like crime, he has the right to find fault. So don’t look like a thug or act like a crook. Politeness is the main weapon of the driver.

By the way

QR code instead of paper STS: new application “Gosuslugi.Avto” launched in test mode

It will display information about the driver’s license and the vehicle registration certificate (CTC). “Gosuslugi.Avto” works with the login and password from Gosuslugi. After authorization, a QR code becomes available in the application – you can show it to the inspector. But at this stage, the driver still needs to have a traditional driver’s license with a photo and an CTC in the form of a plastic card. In the future, the application is designed to replace these paper documents. It can already be installed on smartphones with iOS and Android.

According to the developers, they plan to complete testing by the end of 2021.


Now about the wording in which one small letter is of great importance. Inspection – visual inspection of the machine and cargo. No witnesses, no instruments.

– The driver is invited to voluntarily provide the police officer with the opportunity to visually inspect the vehicle and the intended places of cargo transportation (trunk and glove compartment of a car, truck body, etc.). The results of the inspection are reflected in the act, which is drawn up in an arbitrary form, the traffic cops explain. That is, the act is still drawn up, and no one obliges the driver to bow, open and show everything wide open, but …

“If the driver refuses to voluntarily provide the opportunity for a visual inspection, the police officer has the right to carry out an inspection,” the police screw in the second term, and here, as they say, everything is already running.

Inspection is provided for by the law “On Police” in the performance of general police functions or in the course of proceedings on an administrative offense, if the guard is looking for instruments or objects of an administrative offense. It’s not just weapons or drugs. Maybe some poor fellow is standing and tells that he was robbed, took his wallet and phone, and then left in a low black foreign car.

Shooting a video

We have heard so many horror stories about criminal things planted during searches. If you are afraid, take note of ways to protect yourself from possible provocations.

We observe ourselves and ask our relatives or friends to observe, but carefully and without interfering with the actions of the police. We turn on the camera, even if it is a mobile camera.

– Both during the inspection and the inspection of his car, the owner has the right to videotape the actions of employees of the authorities. Police officers also have the right to videotape their events, the police say.

This record, if anything, will help in court, it can testify in your favor as evidence.

By the way

In 2022, it is planned to start using rapid alcohol tests for motorists.

If the traffic police inspectors have doubts about the sobriety of the motorist, but they are not enough to start the “purging” procedure with the help of a breathalyzer, the inspector may offer the driver to use the preliminary express method. The driver may refuse to check, and this will not entail any legal consequences. But in this case, the inspector will have to draw up an act of suspension from driving. After that, the motorist will have to “blow into the tube” or go to a medical facility. According to the head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, this innovation will just allow you not to waste time on completing the medical examination procedure. If the analysis shows that the motorist is sober, it will be possible to move on without formalizing any administrative procedures.

The arrival of express devices for the rapid detection of drunk drivers is expected in 2022. 

Help “KP”

Inspection – only with witnesses or on record

An inspection is understood as an inspection of a vehicle carried out without violating its structural integrity (Article 27.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Federation). During the inspection, the trunk of the vehicle, the glove compartment (glove box), the fuel tank, the body trim, in general, any technological cavities and enclosed spaces, even the spare tire and wheel tires, can be subjected to inspection. In contrast to the inspection, the inspection of the vehicle is carried out either in the presence of two witnesses, or using video recording. The results are recorded in the protocol on the inspection of the vehicle or in the protocol on administrative detention. A copy of the inspection protocol must be given to the driver.

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