What to do if spirea leaves dry

Many are confused when the spirea dries, as it is one of the most unpretentious garden crops that does not require special attention. The shrub winters well without shelter in the conditions of central Our Country and rarely gets sick. And yet, if the rules of agricultural technology are violated, the immunity of the plant can weaken, as a result of which the plantings become vulnerable to diseases and pests. It is they, in most cases, that are the reason that the spirea leaves begin to dry and turn yellow.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

Why do spirea dry leaves

There are a number of reasons why shoots and leaves begin to dry in spirea:

  1. Irregular and rare watering. Spirea has a rather superficial root system, which is why the shrub does not tolerate prolonged drought. On the other hand, plantings should also not be flooded – in this case, there is a high risk of root rot.
  2. Ignoring the terms of sanitary pruning. This, in general, does not greatly harm the development of spirea, but the decorative effect of the bush decreases, as the old shoots begin to dry out upon reaching the 4th year of life. This gives the shrub an untidy look.
  3. Landing in unsuitable soil. Spirea does not impose special requirements on the quality of the soil, but for the optimal development of the shrub, a number of conditions must still be observed. In particular, it is not recommended to plant a bush on heavy clay soils. Soil with a low level of acidity is best suited for this.
  4. The presence of moles on the site, which could damage the root system of the plant if the tunnels are too close to the plantings.
  5. An excess of fertilizers that are laid in the planting pit before planting the spirea, and the wrong location of the seedling on the soil mixture. Plant roots should not touch fertilizer.
  6. Too deep planting when planting.
  7. Insufficient depth of the landing pit.
  8. Poor permeability of the soil, as a result of which water stagnates and causes rotting of the root system.
  9. Landing thickening.
  10. The close location of the anthill to the bush.
  11. Disease or damage to spirea by pests.

As can be seen from this list, most often spirea dries out due to non-compliance with the basic rules for planting and caring for shrubs, and only 3 points out of 11 are represented by pests and diseases.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

Diseases and pests of spirea

Of the pests, the following insects should be highlighted:

  • rose-colored miner;
  • pink leaflet
  • aphid;
  • spider mite.

A multi-colored miner infects spirea in June-July, a rose leafworm – in March. They quickly deplete the bushes, causing the leaves to first curl and then dry.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

To combat these pests, the following chemicals are usually used:

  • “Aktellik”;
  • “Etaphos”;
  • “Pirimor”;
  • “Hostakvik”;
  • “Kronefos”;
  • “Fozalon”.

The aphid invasion occurs in the second half of summer. In the fight against this pest, granulated Pirimor has proven itself well. You can also treat the spirea with the Bitoxibacillin biopreparation or an infusion of garlic. To prepare such a tincture, it is necessary to pour about 200 g of chopped garlic with cold water and incubate the resulting solution for 2 hours.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

Advice! The effectiveness of the solution can be increased by adding a pair of potassium permanganate crystals.

The spider mite appears on spirea leaves in May, but it causes the main damage in July-August. The first sign of damage to plantings by this pest is the formation of thin cobwebs and whitish spots on the shoots. As a result of the activity of the pest, the leaves of the shrub quickly turn yellow, dry and fall off.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

Against the spider mite, spirea is sprayed with the following insecticides:

  • “Phosfamide”;
  • Carbophos;
  • “Kelton”;
  • “Fozalon”;
  • “Acrex”.

You can also use folk remedies. For example, wood ash and laundry soap effectively repel ticks. To do this, pour ¼ bucket of ash with cold water and add about 3 tbsp. l. finely grated soap. The solution is infused for 2-3 days.

Advice! It is recommended not to delay the treatment of affected plants. The easiest way to get rid of a tick is when the number of insects is 2-3 individuals per 1 leaf plate.

Sick spirea is very rare. As the main threat, verticillium can be distinguished, which causes the fungus verticillium. The first signs of the disease are wilting and yellowing of the leaves, which quickly begin to dry. First of all, the disease affects the lower leaves of spirea. Increased soil moisture provokes the development of the fungus.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

If the plant is damaged by verticillium, it is necessary to spray the bush with “Fundazol” or a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use a solution of copper sulfate.

Important! If the disease has been started and the treatment does not give the desired results, it is necessary to dig up the spirea and burn the bush away from the garden plot. This will prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring plants.

Separately, it is worth noting such a reason for the drying of spirea leaves as damage to the roots of the plant by moles. There are many ways to get rid of these pests, but it is best to use humane repellent methods:

  1. Installation of acoustic devices “Antikrot”, “Krotogon” and the like. These devices emit ultrasound that disorients the moles, making the garden area unattractive to them.
  2. Burying empty plastic or glass bottles upside down in mole holes. The wind entering the bottle starts to make a buzzing sound that scares away the moles.
  3. Placement of containers with castor oil on the site. The strong smell of the substance is unpleasant for rodents.

These methods do not lead to the death of animals and are quite simple.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

preventive measures

It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it. In order for the spirea not to start to dry, it is enough to follow the most basic rules of agricultural technology:

  1. Plant shrubs on loose soils with low acidity.
  2. Do not thicken landings.
  3. Do not make the planting hole too deep. The recommended depth is 40-50 cm. At the same time, it is advisable to ventilate the planting pits and plant the bushes only after 2-3 days.
  4. Timely water the spirea.
  5. Weed the trunk circle, as weed grass is an ideal breeding ground for pests.
  6. Trim bushes regularly.
  7. Do not bury the seedling too much. The root neck of the plant should be at ground level.

In addition, it will be useful to periodically spray the bushes with fungicides and insecticides. Preventive treatment should be subjected not only to already planted plants, but also planting material.

Advice! For better retention of moisture in the soil, it is recommended to mulch the soil under the spirea bushes. To do this, you can use peat, sawdust, compost and even seed husks.

What to do if spirea leaves dry

If the clay content in the soil is too high, it is recommended to lay drainage at the bottom of the planting hole.

What to do if spirea leaves turn yellow

Premature yellowing of leaves is most often caused by a fungus. In this case, the spirea must be treated with any fungicide.

What to do if spirea leaves dry


Spirea dries not so often – in order for this to happen, a serious violation of the rules of agricultural technology is necessary. In rare cases, the plant dries due to pests and diseases. Thus, it is very simple to avoid drying out of the shrub – you just need to study the features of planting this garden crop and properly care for it.

Spirea. How do I do summer pruning of a spirea bush ?!

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