What to do if hemoglobin is elevated: simple tips
An improper lifestyle leads one day to the fact that the quality of the blood changes markedly.
Thinned or clotted blood causes noticeable health problems. If the body signals certain disorders with increased hemoglobin, what should be done first? Why is a medical examination so important in this case?
What to do if hemoglobin in the blood is increased?
Increased hemoglobin: symptoms
If the hemoglobin values in a man have exceeded 170 g / l, and in a woman – 150 g / l, this indicates an increased blood density. Being viscous and unable to fully circulate, it poorly nourishes organs and clogs blood vessels with blood clots. You can understand that such processes occur in the body if you notice:
pale skin;
deterioration of vision;
lack of appetite;
a state of drowsiness;
rapid fatigue;
malfunctions of the genitourinary organs.
If these symptoms appear, it is better not to postpone a visit to a medical institution, where specialists will identify the real cause of the disorders and choose an appropriate recovery program.
What to do if hemoglobin in the blood is increased?
An excess of this protein can be caused by serious diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, malignant formations, serious exertion for a long time and bad habits. Having established the cause of high hemoglobin, doctors prescribe a course that improves the patient’s condition from the affected organs, and take measures to thin the patient’s blood.
The first emergency aid in a serious situation will consist in the appointment of blood-thinning drugs and erythrophoresis – a procedure to remove excess blood cells
In less critical situations, hirudotherapy is used – treatment with leeches. Thanks to their enzymes, the vessels are cleansed, hemoglobin returns to normal.
What to do with nutrition if hemoglobin in the blood is elevated? It is necessary to show utmost attention to the choice of products, namely:
reduce the amount of red meat, red fruits and vegetables, caviar, butter, buckwheat, sweets and smoked meats in the diet as sources of protein and iron;
eat less fat, eggs, baked goods that increase cholesterol levels;
eat more seafood, white meat, legumes, vegetables and nuts.
Multivitamins with such blood counts will not only not help the patient, but will aggravate the deplorable state.
People with similar problems should not forget about physical activity. It is needed exactly as much as is required for normal bone marrow function. After all, the production of hemoglobin depends on it. It is enough, for example, swimming and walking in the fresh air.
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