What to do if ficus leaves fall off and turn yellow
Ficus is a semi-shrub from the mulberry family, which is popular with flower growers. This trend is due to the unpretentiousness and rapid growth of the plant. But what if the leaves of the ficus began to turn yellow and fall off? The way to solve this problem depends on the cause of the flower’s disease.
What to do if the leaves fall off the ficus?
Why do ficus leaves fall?
The appearance of a plant directly depends on proper care. The most common causes of leaf fall:
- natural relief. Occurs in autumn and winter, the lower part of the leaf cover falls off;
- changes in external conditions. The plant reacts poorly to sudden changes in temperature, a decrease in illumination;
- cold air and drafts. Because of this, it is impossible to put the ficus on the balcony or put it on a cool floor in winter;
- lack of nutrients;
- dry air. Ficus is a tropical plant, therefore, it requires close attention during the heating season or hot summer;
- root burn;
- excess watering;
- direct sunlight;
- insufficient watering.
Although ficus has been popular since the last century, some growers do not understand its features. So that your flower grows quickly and does not get sick, get to know it better.
What to do if the leaves fall off the ficus?
After finding out the cause of the disease, immediately start treatment, otherwise the flower will die. The most effective are:
- growth stimulants. These affordable and cheap preparations will increase the stress tolerance of the ficus and prevent the loss of leaves;
- transplanting the plant into a larger pot. Overgrown roots in crowded conditions do not receive enough microelements;
- spraying leaves with water at low humidity;
- following the instructions when feeding the plant. Excessive fertilization is the cause of root burn;
- correct watering. Check the moisture of the earth with your fingers: if the soil is dry 1-2 phalanxes deep, it is time to water, while the water should not be colder than 45 degrees;
- fluorescent lamps with high shading.
When you have tried everything, and the leaves are falling off the ficus, and it is not clear what to do, check the root system of the plant. For this, the shrub is carefully removed from the pot, and the roots are examined. All damaged areas are removed, the sections are treated with activated carbon to prevent decay. Ficus is transplanted into new soil.
Humidity, moderate light and warmth are the ficus’ best friends. Remember this, and the plant will delight you with its flowering for a long time.