What to do if a muscle in a leg is stretched, a muscle in a leg is stretched

What to do if a muscle in a leg is stretched, a muscle in a leg is stretched

Only the right actions can successfully solve the problem.

Sprains are among the most common injuries. It is not surprising that active people are interested in what to do if they stretch a muscle. Such an unpleasant injury can be encountered when running and exercising.

Athletes and sports enthusiasts definitely need to know what to do if they stretch a muscle in their leg.

Stretched a muscle: how to act

First aid determines the effectiveness of treatment. Timely actions prevent serious consequences, facilitate subsequent treatment.

What measures are recommended as first aid:

  • the injured leg must be fixed immediately after the injury. The minimum period for immobility is 48 hours;

  • it is recommended to fix the joint with a tight bandage. An elastic bandage is ideal. A kerchief and a scarf are considered as a replacement. If a severe sprain is suspected, a splint is required;

  • to eliminate the pain syndrome, you will need cold – frozen foods in a towel, a heating pad with ice. The optimal cooling time is 15-20 minutes. In the next 2 days, the procedure is carried out every 4-6 hours.

Initially understanding what to do if you have stretched a muscle in your leg, you can guarantee that there are no serious complications.

Stretched leg muscle: when to see a doctor

Moderate to severe sprains require medical attention. The main task is to carry out the correct treatment.

If the muscle in the leg is stretched, medical attention is needed for the following symptoms:

  • severe pain;

  • deformity of the leg;

  • limitation of mobility;

  • bruising;

  • increased sensitivity to palpation;

  • inability to move the joint and muscle;

  • redness.

The above signs provide for a mandatory visit to a doctor who will determine the sequence of actions and prescribe treatment.

If you stretch a muscle, take care of yourself

The sequence of actions and common recommendations of specialists.

  1. For the first couple of days, the injured leg should not be disturbed. Walking is allowed only with crutches. Any muscle tension will make the situation more difficult.

  2. There must be no excess fluid at the site of damage. Otherwise, the swelling of the leg will worsen the condition.

  3. It is advisable to take pain relievers to relieve pain.

  4. It is allowed to smear the injured leg with special medicinal ointments.

  5. Warming compresses are allowed 1-2 days after stretching the muscle.

  6. The massage will speed up the recovery of the damaged muscle. Massage is recommended to be done carefully, otherwise the condition may worsen.

  7. For a quick recovery, it is recommended to include foods with a high calcium content in the diet.

  8. Folk remedies that can be used: decoctions for sedation, recovery, activation of metabolic processes.

  9. Resume activity only gradually. Sports can be practiced only after complete recovery.

The above tips increase the chances of a successful exit from the current situation.

Senior instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises of JSC “Medicine”

There are varying degrees of sprains, from mild sprains requiring no medical attention to severe sprains requiring surgery. For example, if a person twists his leg while playing sports and only feels slight discomfort, while the place of injury has not changed its shape and the injury does not manifest itself when walking, no special action is required. But it’s better to finish the workout. If the turn of the leg was accompanied by severe pain, while there was some sound is heard, and a bruise appeared at the site of the stretching, it is necessary to apply dry ice to stop the blood at the site of muscle fiber rupture, and consult a traumatologist. The specialist will take a picture, palpate the injured limb, determine the nature of the injury and prescribe subsequent treatment – either physiotherapy or surgery.

  • In the case of mild to moderate sprains, rest is needed – one to three days.

  • In addition to cold and rest, the muscle is taped.

  • After a few days, you can start using warming ointments, massage the injured limb and light gymnastics – all this will help restore mobility and relieve pain symptoms.

It is important to understand that any muscle strain does not just happen. Most likely, the injury was facilitated by some kind of disturbance in the work of the muscle, as a result of which it lost its elasticity and, in the end, was injured. In a normal eversion, the healthy muscle will stretch like a string and come back. If the work of the muscle is already impaired, then any incorrect position of the limb can damage the muscle tissue. In addition, tears often lead to relapses.

A kinesiotherapist will help prevent repeated muscle stretching: a specialist will prescribe a study of the joint at the site of injury and assess it for stability.

Daria Vertinskaya, Expert

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