What to do if a kitten has watery eyes, why are eyes watery
The health of small pets depends entirely on the care of the owner. What to do if a cat has a watery eye, only a qualified veterinarian will say for sure, but first you need to carefully observe him and try to find out the cause of the watery eyes.
If a kitten has a watery eye, an experienced doctor will tell you what to do.
Lachrymation can be a completely normal physiological process, especially after sleep. However, if it does not stop for a long time, it is too abundant, the discharge is opaque, you need to pay more attention to the kitten.
Why does a kitten have watery eyes?
Because of what one or both eyes may water:
- the pet has a cold;
- allergic conjunctivitis due to a reaction to household chemicals or other irritants;
- helminthic invasion;
- injury or other traumatic injury to the eye;
- inflammatory process (keratitis, blepharitis);
- predisposition of the breed;
- infectious conjunctivitis.
These are not all the reasons due to which a cat may have lacrimation. As you can see, this can happen both due to a common cold, which will go away on its own, and due to an infectious lesion of the eye. And in this case, self-medication can lead to complications. Therefore, if the kitten’s mucous membrane of the eye is disturbed and this clearly bothers him, it is best to show the pet to the veterinarian. An experienced doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If necessary, he will prescribe tests and additional examinations.
Especially you need to be on the alert if the kitten has reddened around the eyes, fever, dry and hot nose, it is lethargic, refuses food. This indicates an infection in the body, and it is dangerous to delay a visit to the doctor.
What can you do yourself? Flush your eyes with a weak solution of furacilin, chamomile infusion. But don’t use tea leaves. It suits people, but not cats.
If you can see that the kitten has a splinter or other foreign object in the eye, it is better not to try to get it yourself, as this can injure the eye even more.
Precautions for keeping animals
Keep boxes of household chemicals out of reach of cats. If the detergent powder has spilled onto the floor, it must be removed immediately. Otherwise, he can get on the cat’s paws, and from them – into her eyes and mouth.
Conduct regular preventive deworming and vaccination of the kitten.
Be attentive to the condition of your pet so as not to miss a dangerous eye disease, due to which the kitten may lose sight. Contact your veterinarian in a timely manner and follow his instructions. This will speed up your pet’s recovery.