What to do if a child is afraid of doctors

What to do if a child is afraid of doctors

The child is afraid of the doctor, sulky at the sight of the district pediatrician, and throws a tantrum in the office – this, unfortunately, is not uncommon. But the baby’s fears can be dealt with. Better yet, avoid them altogether.

Some grandmothers (we sincerely hope that they are not parents) still frighten the baby with doctors.

“Here comes an aunt in a white coat, she will give you injections” – if this is hammered into a child’s head, the baby will not only throw tantrums in the office, but will also make problems for the future.

But even without this, the child may dislike doctors. After all, visits to the clinic are rarely pleasant. How to make them pass without incidents, says psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, author of books and mother of five children Larisa Surkova.

Do not scare your child with health workers. Threats “if you don’t eat breakfast – your stomach will hurt, we’ll go to the hospital”, “if you don’t wash your hands, you will have to give injections” will be remembered, a persistent fear will form, and the child will start screaming at the mere sight of a man in a white coat.

Don’t talk badly about doctors. It doesn’t matter how old the baby is, he hears everything, understands and remembers. Needless to say, you yourself are afraid, for example, of going to the dentist. The emotions of the parents are transmitted to children.

Give up the idea of ​​hidingwhat awaits at the reception, what the procedure will be. It is better to tell and explain in advance why it is needed. Focus not on the negative aspects, but on the pluses: “After the injection, the doctor will stick a beautiful plaster, and we have a surprise for you.”

Don’t cheatif a son or daughter asks if it will hurt. Answer honestly what may be frustrating. You will begin to convince in the opposite – the baby will not believe you next time if the physician’s manipulations will cause him discomfort.

Come to your appointment early. Remember, the kindergartner needs time to look around and get comfortable in a new environment. As a rule, it takes at least 10-15 minutes, some more.

A visit to the clinic will pass without problems if the baby is prepared for this

Introduce your child to the doctor at each visit… Remind them what they do and how they help the children.

Don’t blame or dishonor the preschoolerbut if he is scared. He is really afraid, and does not want to annoy you. Support and comfort him. Don’t lose your temper yourself.

Buy a Little Doctor’s Kit and Play at Home… Change roles from time to time, you and the child can do the examination.

Watch and read fairy tales about doctorsto create a positive image of the health worker.

Always after visiting the hospital hug the child and say how great he is, brave and brave, how well behaved.

1. Make an appointment while the child is awake so as not to break the regime. Dinner time? Take a snack, the baby will see that there is nothing unusual and scary in the examination, this does not affect the usual daily routine.

2. Choose layered clothing – the clinic can be hot or cool.

3. Going with a baby? You will need two diapers or disposable sheets, spare diapers, and wet wipes. Do not forget the dummy, the baby will be calmer with it. It is better to purchase a lanyard for the nipple, if you drop it, you do not have to look for where to wash it.

4. Grab two or three toys to brighten up your waiting in line. Better if they are new, buy, for example, a book with windows. You can hide cubes, dolls from the baby in a few days and give them to the hospital. Entertaining your little one is easy with a pocket mirror.

5. If possible, bring another adult. He will sit with the child, if you need to leave, will dress him while you are talking to the doctor,

6. Have questions? Write them in advance. Before examining the baby, it is worth reading about the age norms of development and possible deviations, then the doctor’s actions and recommendations will be more understandable.

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