What to do if a child has a temperature of 40 degrees per year

What to do if a child has a temperature of 40 degrees per year

A temperature of 40 ° C is a real siren from the body, which warns of a serious illness. If for a child at 6 years old, such a temperature can be passed without consequences, then for a baby a year or younger it is dangerous and can cause life-threatening consequences.

How to bring down the temperature of 40 degrees in a baby who is a year old

If the temperature is low, it is better not to underestimate it with medications, but to let the body cope without assistance. And if the temperature reaches 40 ° C, it must be reduced as quickly as possible, otherwise hallucinations and convulsions may begin. The younger the child, the faster he needs to provide first aid.

Parents should know what to do if the child has a temperature of 40 degrees

At this temperature, you should definitely consult a doctor. But before his arrival or before a visit to the clinic, you should independently provide the baby with first aid. Start by placing cool, damp towels on your baby’s calves. If he starts to faint, give him a sniff of ammonia. Let the child drink a lot, as the high temperature leads to dehydration, which is also very bad. In addition to water, you can give tea with honey, rosehip or cranberry drink.

Be sure to give your child a baby antipyretic drug. It should be in your medicine cabinet. Consult in advance with your pediatrician what kind of remedy to have in such a case. If the temperature has jumped in the evening, come up to the baby more often during the night and assess its condition.

What not to do if the child has a temperature of 40 ° C

When a child is ill, mom and dad in a panic can make typical mistakes that only exacerbate the condition. Here’s what you can not do in any case:

  • Do not rub your child with a solution of water and alcohol. In this situation, this popular folk method can be dangerous. Such a solution dilates blood vessels, but under the influence of temperature they are already dilated.
  • Don’t give your child aspirin. This is a rather popular medicine in our country, which is given at a high temperature. However, in young children, it can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and provoke other serious consequences up to intestinal bleeding.
  • Do not give analgin to your baby. This medicine can be used if, for example, a child complains of a headache from a temperature. Analgin has a negative effect on children’s bone marrow.

Also, do not use other questionable folk methods.

Do not self-medicate, before taking any action, consult your pediatrician. Remember that your mistake can seriously affect your child’s health.

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