In winter, it is easy to fall into “hibernation”, spending the whole evening, or even the whole weekend watching TV shows. Which is not surprising: going for a walk in the cold is a pleasure only for the strong in spirit. However, at home you can find a lot of useful and enjoyable activities.
The lower the temperature outside the window, the harder it is for us to force ourselves to leave the house. We mope, bury ourselves in blankets, surround ourselves with our favorite, but not the most healthy food, watch movies and TV shows … We share some ideas on how to diversify winter leisure without leaving a cozy warm apartment.
1.Experiment in the kitchen
Everyone can be conditionally divided into two categories: someone cooks to live, and someone lives to cook. Which group do you belong to? Winter is a time to try new recipes and culinary techniques. Experiment with cuisines from different countries or flavor combinations. Get creative with the process.
Where to begin:
If you know how to cook only the simplest dishes, stock up on good recipes. Over time, you will begin to confidently understand different flavor combinations and be able to cook gastronomic masterpieces without referring to cookbooks.
2. Do yoga
This is a way to keep the body in good shape in winter, when our physical form and overall health leave much to be desired.
Where to begin:
You don’t have to leave your home to practice yoga: many online services publish lessons for free or at a reasonable price. Subscribe to the course you like and go through one video lesson every few days.
3. Learn a new language
Learning languages is a great exercise for the brain. Plus, by spending the winter learning basic grammar and vocabulary, you can try out a new skill during your spring or summer vacation.
Where to begin:
Choose from a variety of dedicated learning apps, install it on your phone, and get started.
4. Sharpen your writing skills
Many abilities are genetic, but writing is primarily an acquired skill. Have you ever wanted to learn how to express thoughts coherently? It is quite real, the main thing is to practice as much as possible.
Where to begin:
If you want to learn more about writing theory, sign up for any available online course. If your goal is to develop creative thinking, write simply for the sake of the process. Decide for yourself, make a plan. Find a list of creative ideas for texts and get to work.
5. Relax while knitting
Knitting is the perfect “winter” hobby. Once you master the basics, you can knit and do other things at the same time: watch TV, listen to podcasts or audiobooks. With knitting, even an evening watching TV shows will become productive, because according to its results, you will replenish your wardrobe with socks, a scarf or a hat. Solid benefit.
Where to begin:
All you need is a pair of knitting needles, some yarn, a crochet hook to pick up the dropped stitches, and a yarn needle to sew all the pieces together. Training videos or special textbooks will help you choose a knitting technique and master the basics.
6. Try board games
Remember how much joy board games and puzzles brought as a child? Winter is the time to arrange gatherings with friends over the good old games.
Where to begin:
On the evening when you feel like curling up and watching TV, invite your partner, neighbors or friends to play. You can complement the games with wine and cheese and make them a weekly tradition.
7. Develop a new workout plan
As they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the figure in the winter. If suddenly you are worried that you will gain a couple of extra pounds, then you should develop a workout plan that you can do at home.
Where to begin:
And again, free workout plans and video courses from the Internet will help you out.
8. Practice your calligraphy
So you will master an unusual skill and be able to sign cards with perfectly beautiful letters. All it takes is some simple tools and a little practice.
Where to begin:
You will need tracing paper, a metal nib, a nib pen, ink, and a calligraphic writing grid. Books, online courses or blogs will help you get acquainted with the theoretical foundations.