In the case of fertility problems, we usually do not go to the doctor in the first place. Usually, only a long time trying to conceive a child brings to mind a medical consultation.
First of all, you should consider what impact our lifestyle can have on fertility. Many factors adversely affect the quality of male semen. It is worth considering whether we can positively affect fertility.
Up to 1 in 5 young men already have a low sperm count, which means that they have less than 15 million per milliliter of semen. On the other hand, 1/6 couples have problems with conceiving a child, and 20% of them are caused by poor quality of male semen.
Alcohol is the first factor that adversely affects both the quality of semen and fertilization, but also the erection.
Another factor is tight underwear and crotch tight pants. Because overheating destroys sperm and reduces their production. The same goes for using a tanning bed, taking a hot bath, or even sitting in heated seats with a laptop on your lap.
Soy sauce and processed red meat can cause fertility problems in men and reduce semen quality by as much as 30%.
Another reason is obesity. Men with a BMI greater than 25% are more likely to have low sperm counts.
Additionally, choose carefully cosmeticsbecause often creams containing chemicals can reduce sperm quality by up to 33%.
Cigarettes, cigars, products containing bisphenol, as well as longer sexual abstinence (approx. 14 days), cause the sperm quality to decrease by another 12%.
Watching TV is another negative factor. People who spend more than 20 hours a week with a color screen have up to 44 percent weaker sperm
The quantity and quality of a partner’s sperm significantly affect the ease with which a woman becomes pregnant. One of the main methods of facilitating conception is therefore improving the quality of semen. Diet and lifestyle play an important role. It is comforting that with small changes you can achieve great results.
Red wine (in the right amounts), tomatoes (lycopene), spinach (lutein), corn (lutein), green tea (catechin), citrus (vitamin C), vegetable oils (vitamin E) can bring a lot of improvement. They improve sperm quality, sperm motility, and even the amount of sperm per ejaculation or the number of sperm in the ejaculate.
Outdoor exercise, oxygenation of the body, stress relief and regular physical activity are also recommended. Only cycling is discouraged, as constant contact with the saddle can significantly reduce the sperm count.
You should also maintain a healthy weight and avoid eating fatty or sweet foods too often.
Coffee, on the other hand, can be replaced with green tea or reduced to 1 or 2 cups per day.