Vaccination is the procedure of introducing into the body a substance that the immune system perceives as the causative agent of an infectious disease. As a result, specific reactions (immune response) are triggered, leading to the formation of antibodies – protein compounds that, when the pathogen enters the body again, neutralize it. In modern medicine, several types of vaccines are used to protect against infectious diseases: based on live or inactivated pathogens, preparations containing only certain parts of microorganism cells. At the same time, immunity develops, but the disease does not!
As for COVID-19, today 15 variants of drugs are used for vaccination in the world, which differ in composition. However, regardless of the type of vaccine, side effects may occur after vaccination. Should these symptoms be alarming or are they normal? Is it possible to somehow alleviate the state of health after vaccination and in what cases should I consult a doctor after vaccination? These questions are of concern to most of those who have already received or plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
What are the possible side effects after vaccination?
The process of immune response (the development of immunity against a specific pathogen) in most cases is accompanied by mild or moderate side effects. Most often, the reaction is manifested by increased blood flow – so that more immune cells can spread with the blood throughout the body, as well as an increase in body temperature – to destroy the pathogen. Therefore, low-grade fever and muscle pain are not a cause for concern after vaccination. On the contrary, the symptoms indicate that the vaccine is performing its function. Although it is immediately worth noting that the absence of adverse symptoms cannot be regarded as the ineffectiveness of the serum. The fact is that different organisms react to the vaccine in different ways.
Typical side effects after vaccination against COVID-19:
- pain at the injection site;
- increased body temperature;
- headache;
- chills;
- muscle pain;
- diarrhea [1].
But if the listed symptoms occur after most vaccines against various diseases, then in the case of COVID-19 there is also a specific symptom, the so-called “covid hand”. The symptom is redness, pain, and swelling around the injection site. Usually occurs after the first dose of the vaccine. It lasts about a week, although the duration of the period can vary from 5 to 21 days [2].
After vaccines of different types, the symptoms may vary slightly. In rare cases, people who are prone to allergies may experience anaphylaxis after vaccination. Although according to WHO, this happens extremely rarely. [3].
Since none of the anti-covid vaccines contains a live virus, the possibility of infection after vaccination is completely excluded. Side effects after vaccination against COVID-19 may persist for several days.
OTC drugs to eliminate post-vaccination effects
If vaccine-related side effects are very severe, some of them can be alleviated with over-the-counter medications. In particular, with severe muscle and / or headache, fever, chills, you can take painkillers and antipyretics. It can be ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen or paracetamol.
If signs of a “covid hand” appear, an antihistamine can be taken to ease the reaction. But it is worth taking into account that some drugs in this group cause drowsiness, so while the pill is working, you can not drive or take on work that requires increased concentration.
Home remedies for relief of post-vaccination symptoms
Covid hand symptoms and other vaccine-related side effects can be alleviated by applying a damp, cool towel or ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the injection site. A cold compress will help relieve swelling and relieve pain, including in joints and muscles.
Some people experience stiffness and pain in the arm that was given the injection after vaccination. You can eliminate discomfort and prevent even more severe stiffness if you move the limb as much as possible – develop the hand while doing exercises. This will relax the muscles and relieve stiffness.
If the post-vaccination period is accompanied by fever and chills, it is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Also, do not wear a lot of warm clothes, as this is fraught with overheating of the body and a more intense increase in temperature.
When to Seek Medical Care
If 24 hours after vaccination, post-vaccination symptoms increase, severe pain, swelling, and redness increase at the injection site, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor [4]. Also, the reason for an immediate visit to a medical facility or an ambulance call is the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. In case of an allergy to the vaccine, hives appear, swelling of the face and throat, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. An allergic reaction to a vaccine usually occurs within minutes of administration. Therefore, after an injection, a person should stay at least 15 minutes in a medical facility under the supervision of doctors.
If after vaccination there is shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations, arrhythmia, you should also immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may be a sign of myocarditis or pericarditis, which in very rare cases occur after vaccination with Moderna or Pfizer [5].
Can vaccine side effects be minimized?
It is impossible to prevent post-vaccination side effects with the help of medications. Also, do not take antihistamines before vaccination in order to prevent a possible allergic reaction. But still, some things will help alleviate the condition after vaccination. First, before vaccination it is important to have a good rest and calm down. A normal psycho-emotional state will make it easier to endure the stress associated with the procedure. Second, you need to drink plenty of water. Moreover, it is important to do this not only on the day of vaccination, but at least 2 days before vaccination. Dehydration of the body enhances the manifestation of undesirable side effects, therefore, after the injection, it is necessary to consume a lot of clean water for at least 2 days.
- Sources of
- ↑ World Health Organization. – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Vaccines safety.
- ↑ JAMA Network Open. – Delayed Localized Hypersensitivity Reactions to the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine.
- ↑ World Health Organization. – Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines.
- ↑ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. – Possible Side Effects After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine.
- ↑ National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. – Side-effects of COVID-19 vaccination.