What to cook with cornmeal

Corn flour does not contain gluten and is very rich in vitamins and minerals, therefore it is appreciated in children’s and diet menus. Plus, this flour is better absorbed than others.

Corn flour is fine and coarse (coarse). Bread is baked from coarse flour, fine flour is used to make delicate and airy desserts – pancakes, pies or cookies. Corn flour must be mixed with other types of flour, since corn flour itself is heavy, does not rise well and looses.

Dilute your usual baked goods with corn flour, and it will pleasantly surprise you. Also, mamalyga is prepared from flour – a steeply brewed porridge, which can then be cut and fried in batter. Also, such porridge is baked with cheese and tomatoes – it turns out Italian polenta.

Good cornmeal cottage cheese casseroles and charlottes with fruit, cheesecakes and tarts flavored with cream cheese creams, crumbles and shortbread pies.


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