What to cook to feel like on vacation

Food is not just a collection of foods. These are associations, memories of travels and a way to give yourself a lot of positive emotions.

While we are only dreaming about trips abroad, it’s time to read books about travel, watch films about resort romances or try new recipes. After all, any trip is not only sightseeing. Especially Russian tourists are always interested in trying something new and tasty from foreign cuisine. However, many of these “overseas” dishes are often very easy to cook at home using those products that are in any store. 


Literally translated, this word means “imperial omelet”. You can also try this truly Austrian dessert in German Bavaria. And best of all – in the cold season. Kaisershman is a mixture of flour, milk and eggs, often fried and then mixed and baked in a special way, often with apples, raisins and almond flakes. In terms of consistency, such a dough resembles our pancake dough, but the number of eggs in this sweet omelet is simply off scale (6-8 pieces for two or four servings). Kaiserschmann is a traditional alpine ski dish, served sprinkled with powdered sugar in a skillet and paired with applesauce.

Armenian pasta

Former neighbors in the Soviet Union came up with an unusual preparation of this generally available product. Dry pasta in Armenia is first fried in oil and then boiled. They are usually served with meat or vegetables.

Spaghetti bolognese

Classics of Italian cuisine and a very simple dish, unless, of course, you bother making pasta with your own hands. The name spaghetti bolognese is from the tomato-meat sauce invented in the Italian city of Bologna. It was usually served with spaghetti. It is customary to sprinkle the finished dish with grated hard cheese, without it nothing will work.


The Israeli dish can be tasted in many countries in the Middle East. The ingredients for shakshuka are simple and affordable: eggs and tomatoes. But the taste of the dish is still different from the usual barley and tomatoes. In shakshuq, eggs are literally buried in thick tomato sauce and thanks to it they are fried in a particularly “tasty” way. Shakshuka should be served directly in a cast-iron pan and with dried pita or white bread.

Alsace flammkuhen

Distributed in both France and Germany. But you can try to cook it in your kitchen. Regular pizza dough should be rolled out thinly, greased with sour cream or soft cheese with herbs, sprinkled with chopped and fried onions and bacon and baked. The aroma from such a cake will be such that, look, the neighbors will come to the light.


Or the Greek eggplant casserole is an unexpectedly delicious variation of vegetable lasagna. Moreover, it is unexpected not only that the Greeks use fried eggplant instead of dough, but also that the minced meat is seasoned with ground cinnamon. If you are in love with Greece, and the vacation is not yet shining, moussaka is exactly what will brighten up the expectation and make a banal dinner unforgettable.


These are ordinary German sausages, but in an unusual sauce. To feel in the very center of Berlin or the Ruhr region of North Rhine-Westphalia, you need to fry a sausage, cut it and pour over a sauce made from a mixture of mustard, tomato paste, broth, flour, olive oil, garlic, sour apple and curry. You can also prepare a simplified version: mix regular ketchup with curry.

French onion soup

It is very easy to prepare, and its main ingredient, onion, is cheap and readily available. Once this dish was considered in France a chowder for the poor. It was cooked in broth with onions and bread crusts. Today, this soup is served in restaurants and is considered a good remedy for headaches and hangovers. So, for a change and to maintain the spirit of the traveler, you can please yourself not with borscht, but with French onion soup. An important cooking secret is to pour the ready-made soup into clay pots, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for a few minutes so that the cheese forms a golden brown appetizing crust. 


It should be prepared for those who adore all kinds of stews and hodgepodge and taste them with pleasure while traveling through the countries of Eastern Europe. Already from just one listing of the Bigos components, salivation will flow. Mushrooms, cabbage (sauerkraut and fresh), pork, smoked sausages, bacon, apples, tomatoes, prunes, herbs and spices should be simmered under the lid for two hours. And that’s all, a hearty and very colorful dinner in the best traditions of Polish cuisine is ready.

Cheese dumplings

The dish comes from Slovakia – an unexpected use of the pancake dough we are used to. In Slovakia, raw grated potatoes are mixed with flour and a piece of this dough is thrown into boiling water. When such dumplings float, they are caught with a slotted spoon and served, seasoned with fried cracklings and feta cheese. Here is such a simple, but very tasty dish. The name, by the way, is pronounced with an accent on o – cheese.

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