Plum can be the base of both a dessert and a salty sauce or a separate dish.
As a first course, plum is suitable for making soups – for example, Lithuanian sweet soup with plums and dumplings. A fairly well-known recipe is kharcho with plums.
Plum goes well with beets, and therefore they often appear in salads in such a duet. For salads, prunes are still used more often – its sweet-smoked taste is more emphasized by greens and vegetables.
The sourness that plums give is very suitable for meat and poultry, which is why there are so many recipes for plum-based main courses. Plums make wonderful sauces, and prunes are stuffed with meat and rolls from it.
Also noteworthy is the plum in individual garnishes and as part of a stew or pilaf.
Jam, jam, preserves are the favorite plum delicacy of most sweet tooths. Plum plays well in multicomponent compotes and jelly. Housewives love plums in pies – strudels, charlottes, crumbles. Alcoholic drinks are also made on the basis of plums – wines and liqueurs.