What to cook for the New Year 2023 (Year of the Rabbit): the best menu with recipes
The host of the coming year is unpretentious, so you can safely prepare your favorite dishes when you think over the menu for the New Year 2023

Rabbits are almost omnivorous creatures, but they appreciate variety. Make sure that there is a large selection of dishes on the table. Delight the owner of the year with a beautiful table setting. But with strong alcoholic and fizzy drinks you should be more careful – the owner of the year does not like them.


Meat Salad

It is difficult to imagine a festive table without salads. They have long become an integral part of any celebration. And since the symbol of the year prefers meat, why not make a salad with it?

It is necessary:

Beef200 g
Potatoes2 piece.
Fresh cucumber1 piece.
Salad2 sheet
boiled eggs2 piece.
Parsleyfew branches
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Mayonnaiseto taste


  1. Cut and fry the beef until tender.
  2. Boil and cut eggs and potatoes.
  3. We cut the cucumber.
  4. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, put meat, vegetables and eggs on top.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste, decorate with parsley sprigs and pour over with mayonnaise.

Salad “New Year’s”

It is necessary:

Turkey fillet (chicken)300 g
Eggs5 piece.
prunes150 g
Walnuts100 g
Cheese100 g
Mayonnaiseto taste
Saltto taste


  1. Boil the turkey fillet until cooked, cool, finely chop. Also finely chop the prunes.
  2. Grind nuts in a blender. Proteins are separated from the yolks and three on a fine grater on different plates. Also on a fine grater three cheese.
  3. Now we collect the salad: put the meat on the bottom of the plate, salt, grease with mayonnaise. Top the yolks, again a layer of mayonnaise.
  4. Further prunes, mayonnaise, cheese, mayonnaise, cheese.
  5. We make the arrows of the New Year’s clock from thinly sliced ​​carrots on top.


red bean lobio

Snacks on the festive table are never superfluous. Tartlets, stuffed eggs, canapés or something more exotic?

It is necessary:

Red beans2 Art.
Water2 l
red bulbs2 piece.
Garlic2 denticles
Bay leaf1-2 pieces.
Red wine vinegar1 century. l.
Ground black pepper0.5 tsp.
Blue fenugreek (or as they call “utskho-suneli”)0.5 tsp.
Cilantro1 beam
Saltto taste


  1. Boil beans in salted water until soft. The main indicator of readiness is when the skin begins to burst on the beans. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the bay leaf. Then don’t forget to delete it.
  2. Pour some of the broth from the beans, leave the rest in the pan. Mash the beans with a masher. But not to the state of puree, but so that the beans break into pieces. The remaining broth is returned to the pan.
  3. Fry half the onion and leave the other half raw. Combine with beans.
  4. Bring to taste: add vinegar, black pepper, blue fenugreek pounded in a mortar and finely chopped cilantro. Mix and let stand.

Tartlets with homemade pate

During the preparation of holiday snacks, there are always some unused pieces of cooked meat, chicken breasts, etc. left. Well, where do you order them to go: immediately feed them to a domestic cat or put them in the refrigerator, and then – when they finally wind up, throw them away? This little problem has a way out: cook homemade pate in 10 minutes and arrange it into tartlets. By the way, the minx rat will crunch them with pleasure.

It is necessary:

Cooked meat or chicken300 g
Cream cheese150 g
Garlic1 denticle
Lemon juice1/2
Walnuts30 g
Parsley2-3 sprigs
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste


  1. Put the meat, cheese, herbs and garlic in a blender and beat until smooth. Add salt and black pepper to taste and if desired.
  2. Separately, roast the walnuts, peel off the bitter film from them and grind them in a mortar into crumbs. Combine with pate and mix. All that is left is to arrange the appetizer into tartlets.


Pork ribs

Baked pork ribs with vegetables – simple and tasty. They will certainly be appreciated by both the host of the coming year and the guests.

It is necessary:

Pork ribs (lamb, beef)500 g
Potatoes1 kg
Eggplant250 g
Tomatoes250 g
Bulgarian pepper (yellow)250 g
Leek (or 150 g of onion)1 pack.
dried herbs2 tsp.
Garlic3 denticles
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Vegetable oil5 century. l.


  1. Separate the ribs from each other, salt and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  2. Separately cut potatoes into cubes, add dried herbs, salt a little. We also add tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, onions there. We cut everything into cubes.
  3. We spread the vegetables and meat in a baking dish, pour vegetable oil, squeeze the garlic and pepper.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

Chicken tapaka

The owner of the year appreciates diversity, so it is worth putting dishes on the table not only from meat, but also from poultry.

It is necessary:

Цыпленок500 g
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Vegetable or butterto taste


  1. We cut the chicken on the breast, beat off, salt, pepper.
  2. Heat up a frying pan with oil, spread the meat. From above we press down with some kind of load, for example, a pot of water.
  3. Fry for 15-20 minutes on one side. Then we turn over and the same amount – on the other.
  4. The dish is best served with yellow potatoes.

Cutlets with chicken fillet, cheese and bell pepper

What else can be cooked from poultry? For example, chicken cutlets – they will be an excellent solution for a hot dish for the festive table.

It is necessary:

Turkey fillet (chicken)500 g
Cheese150 g
Bulgarian pepper (yellow)200 g
Bun (slice of bread)100 g
Leek (or 150 g of onion)1 pack.
Milk200 ml
Breadcrumbs2 pack.
Greensto taste
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Vegetable oilto taste


  1. Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. Soak the bun in milk.
  3. Three cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion, pepper and herbs.
  4. Mix fillet, bun (pre-squeeze it from milk), cheese, onion, pepper, herbs.
  5. Salt, pepper. We form cutlets from minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan for about 10 minutes on each side.
  6. Serve with mashed potatoes or vegetables.

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Lamb side with porridge

Lamb is a rarity on our table. But why not treat yourself to it on New Year’s Eve?

Side of lamb with ribs1.5-2 kg
Buckwheat grain2 Art.
Bow2-3 pieces.
Boiled mushroomsa handful of
Saltto taste
Pepperto taste
Garlic3-4 cloves
Mustard1 century. l.


  1. Wash lamb and wipe dry. We stuff it with garlic, rub it with salt, pepper and mustard (mustard – for a crisp). Let marinate in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  2. Separately, cook crumbly buckwheat porridge. And mix it with finely chopped raw onions and chopped mushrooms.
  3. Put the prepared lamb on a baking sheet with the ribs up. Inside we fall asleep buckwheat porridge.
  4. We bake in a hot oven, constantly pouring the meat and porridge with the released fat. Depending on the oven, lamb side is cooked for 1,5–2 hours.

New Year’s goose

It is necessary:

goose carcass3-4 kg
Pitted prunes2 Art.
Walnuts1 Art.
Apples (sour)2 piece.
Cognac0.5 Art.
Garlic5-6 teeth
Pepperto taste
Saltto taste


For 8 servings; 320 kcal / 100 g.

  1. My goose and wipe dry. Excess fat in the abdomen can be cut off. Rub inside and out with salt, ground black pepper and crushed garlic. We leave for 1 hour.
  2. Filling: wash prunes, cut into halves and fill with cognac. It should be completely absorbed into the berries. Lightly chop the nuts and mix with “drunk” prunes. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the core.
  3. We put the filling in the belly of the goose and sew it up. We put the bird itself in a roasting sleeve and cut one corner. This is necessary so that the New Year’s treat is not steamed, but baked.
  4. We place the goose in an oven preheated to 220 ° C and bake in this way for 30 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature in the oven to 180 ° C and continue to fry for another 2 – 2,5 hours. The goose is ready when, after a puncture, clear juice begins to stand out from it.

Meat baked in herbs

Grass is one of the natural elements of the master of the coming year. So please him by cooking the meat in a large amount of herbs.

It is necessary:

Meat fillet1 kg
Garlic4-5 teeth
Pepper (peas)to taste
Lemon juice1 piece.
Provence herbs (aromatic blends)2 century. l.
Olive oil3 century. l.
Saltto taste


  1. We make punctures in the meat with a long sharp knife and fill them with garlic cloves cut into thin strips. We also put black peppercorns in it. After the meat has been generously stuffed, rub it with salt. We mix herbs with olive oil, lemon juice and coat the meat with this mixture. Now we transfer the meat to the baking sleeve, pour in the rest of the oil with herbs there, tie the bag and leave the meat to marinate for at least 1,5 -2 hours.
  2. In the oven preheated to 180 C, remove the meat to bake for exactly 55 minutes. We follow the time in the most strict way, so that instead of a juicy fillet we don’t get an overdried “something”.


Cake “Napoleon” (non-fat)

New Year’s menu should include sweets. The rabbit will appreciate whatever you cook.

It is necessary:

Milk2 Art.
Egg yolks (raw)3 piece.
Sugar3 century. l.
Flour3 century. l.
Butter150 g
Saltto taste
Vanilla sugar1 pack.
Lavash (thin)10-12 sheets (2 pack)


  1. Lavash is cut along the edges in the form of rectangles. Spread on dry baking sheets and dry in the oven. Lavash sheets should break.
  2. Grind the yolks with regular and vanilla sugar until white foam.
  3. Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. Put the beaten yolks into this hot milk and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Then we add flour in small portions there. All this time, stir the cream intensively, avoiding the formation of all the same lumps. When the mass becomes viscous and homogeneous, remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
  4. In the cooled cream, put the softened butter and beat.
  5. Lubricate all sheets of pita bread with cream. And we crumble the last sheet and sprinkle it with the top and sides of the cake. Ready “Napoleon” should be soaked for at least 12-15 hours, so cook it in advance.

Creamy cones with fruit salad

Fruit makes a great dessert base. And let there be orange ones among them, for example, oranges or tangerines.

It is necessary:

For cream cones

Butter125 g
Sugar3 century. l.
Vanilla sugar1 tsp.
Eggs3 piece.
Flour1 Art.
Cream (33%)1 Art.
Saltto taste
Whipped creamfor decoration

For filling

bananas2 piece.
Tangerines5 piece.
pears1 piece.
Berries (fresh)for decoration


  1. Beat the butter with regular and vanilla sugar. Without stopping beating, we introduce eggs, salt and parts of flour one at a time.
  2. At the end, add warm cream and mix everything until smooth.
  3. Bake in a greased waffle iron until golden brown. We remove and immediately, until they have cooled down, we turn the horn out of them.
  4. We clean the fruits and cut them into small cubes, we disassemble the tangerines into slices. Gently mix and fill the horns with them. Put fresh berries on top of fruit salad. Decorate with whipped cream.


It is necessary:

Almonds (peeled)1 Art.
Powdered sugar0.5 Art.
Eggs1 piece.


For 6 – 8 servings; 300 kcal / 100 g.

  1. Almonds are scalded with boiling water and soaked in it for 1 minute. Then we drain the water, and remove the bitter skin from the nuts. Dry the almonds on a towel.
  2. Grind the peeled nuts in a blender into flour, add the beaten egg, powdered sugar and vanilla. We mix.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with oil (you can cover it with parchment) and spread the nut mass on it with a spoon.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 25 minutes. The cookies will crack a little, but that’s the way it should be. By the way, they will move away from the pan much easier if you let them cool properly.


The rabbit is not too fond of alcohol, and he prefers to avoid fizzy drinks. Here’s what you can serve instead of soda.

Drink “Ginger”

It is necessary:

Ginger root1 PC. (small)
Honey150 g
Lemon3 piece.
Water3 l


  1. Очищаем и трем на терке имбирь.
  2. Add honey to ginger, dilute everything with warm boiled water.
  3. Add the zest of 2 lemons to the drink.
  4. Let the drink brew and filter.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, add to the drink and cool.

How to survive New Year’s Eve: KP tips

  • Chinese scientists from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou have found soda with lemon or lime to be the best cure for a hangover. By studying the metabolism of ethanol, they tested a range of drinks to establish their anti-hangover potential. As a result, a simple soda with lemon flavor won out of the entire list of almost 50 items.
  • British scientists decided to find the most effective remedy for a hangover. And approached the study with the utmost care. As a result, the famous English breakfast became the winner of a large-scale survey – almost 40% of volunteers agreed that the next morning after a heavy drink, there is nothing better than fried eggs and bacon with a few beans.
  • Tan, ayran, kefir – in general, any fermented milk products – another excellent and one hundred percent remedy for the stomach and intestines overloaded with yesterday’s excesses. Such products provide the body with protein, vitamins and minerals, and all this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus restores strength.

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