What to buy parents for the Christmas tree? An overview of healthy proposals

Christmas is a special time that we can use to care for the health of our parents. It is worth giving them something practical under the Christmas tree, which will answer their needs or help them take care of preventive health care. What to choose? Below, we suggest medical devices that are useful in every home, as well as sets of supplements suitable for various health problems.

Pressure gauge – pressure under control

Blood pressure measurement is one of the most important and, at the same time, simple to perform forms of health prophylaxis. Just stock up on home blood pressure monitorto control the pressure and pulse on your own. Measuring blood pressure is especially important if you have cardiovascular conditions. Even so, even in the absence of these problems, it is advisable to use the blood pressure monitor on a regular basis to detect these changes early in the event of incorrect readings.

A classic, battery-operated blood pressure monitor with a cuff, LCD display and a 5-year warranty can be ordered for our parents through Medonet Market. The device is equipped with an arrhythmia detection function, it also remembers up to 30 recent measurements.

Supplements for the heart

Cardiac and circulatory problems develop with age, so it is worth taking care of our parents’ health by encouraging them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to protect the heart and blood vessels, you can supplement with dietary supplements, including those containing well-absorbed magnesium. It has a beneficial effect not only on the heart, but also on the kidneys, bones and the work of the brain. It also alleviates the negative effects of stress and improves muscle function.

Our proposal is a set of supplements with magnesium malate – the purchase of several packages allows you to take advantage of the promotional option. On the Medonet Market platform, we save PLN 23 when ordering two packages, and when ordering three we will pay PLN 41 less.

Cholesterol supplements

Middle-aged people and seniors are groups particularly exposed to too high cholesterol and related health complications. Although maintenance normal cholesterol levels is a complex process, it can be supported by supplementing the diet with vitamins A, C and E. That is why we recommend vitamin supplements regulating cholesterol levels. Currently, it is possible to buy a set of vitamins A, C and E in the form of capsules, which will last for six months of supplementation, at a price lower by PLN 56.

Glucometer for self-measurement of sugar

Diabetes and insulin resistance are not uncommon conditions. If they affect our loved ones, we know how important it is controlling blood sugar levels. Also, if there is a suspicion of diabetes or a person belongs to the high-risk group, it is worthwhile to control the blood glucose level prophylactically. There is an easy way to do this at home, and there’s a device called a glucometer.

The home blood glucose meter is a compact device that measures your sugar level with a drop of blood. You can easily use it yourself and save the results. A practical Christmas gift for parents may be a blood glucose meter with a lancing device, strips and lancets, available for purchase through the Medonet Market platform.

Non-contact thermometer

Another useful device that we can give parents for Christmas is a non-contact thermometer. The popularity of this type of thermometers has increased in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, mainly due to the speed of measurement and the ability to perform it without contact. Such a solution is convenient for use at home, easy to use, and at the same time maintaining hygiene. The non-contact thermometer is a universal solution and will be useful in many flu season.

A handy non-contact thermometer with a large display and built-in memory can be found in the Medonet Market offer. We have a three-year warranty on the thermometer.

A set of supplements for infections and colds

In the period of reduced immunity, many people decide to take supplementation in order to support the body that is more prone to infections. Our proposal is a two-pack of a dietary supplement for infections and colds, containing an extract of Andrographis. This plant acts as a natural antibiotic, supporting the immune system against microbes attacking the upper respiratory tract.

Regular use of capsules with Andrographis extract also positively affects the circulatory system, liver, intestines and heart. If you buy the supplement in a set on the Medonet Market platform, we will save PLN 19.

Vitamin D3 for bones and teeth

Vitamin D3 is an extremely important building block of the body – it is essential for the health of bones and teeth, it also improves iron absorption, supports the heart and reduces the negative impact of oxidative stress on the body. Although vitamin D3 is produced by the body during sun exposure, we may be deficient in it. Many inhabitants of Poland suffer from vitamin D deficiencyTherefore, its supplementation is recommended, especially in the months when the sun is the least.

For Christmas, we can give parents a two-pack of a supplement with vitamin D3 – by buying a set, we will save up to 29%. Vitamin D3 supplementation will not only improve the course of key processes for the body, but also improve overall well-being.

Read also:

  1. Seven ideas for healthy Christmas gifts
  2. Five ideas for healthy Christmas gifts for her
  3. Five ideas for healthy Christmas gifts for him

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