What to avoid on a diet? What can not be eaten on a diet? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • What to avoid on a diet?
  • Which products increase the appetite?
  • Are Fruit Juices Good For Your Diet?
  • Can I drink alcohol on a diet?
  • Are breakfast cereals dietary?
  • Do instant dishes harm?

What to avoid on a diet?

1. White bread

White bread is made from refined flour, i.e. one that has had the bran and germ removed, which has stripped it of fiber. This makes the consumption of such bread associated with a very rapid increase blood sugar level. And the faster the growth, the faster the decline, which affects the appearance of the wolf hunger attack. So better choose a different kind of bread. AND if you do not know which bread to choose, read the article We strip the product – the bread.

2. Are instant meals harmful?

Instant dishes are very convenient and quick to prepare, therefore they have many followers. Unfortunately, they cannot effectively satisfy hunger. Not only do they usually contain wheat noodles, which has a high glycemic index, they also contain a lot of glutamate sodium.

Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that is used in many ways in instant dishes, but also in many spice mixtures. They exist studies that show that this compound can increase appetite by as much as 40%. Of this therefore, people who consume monosodium glutamate are significantly more likely to gain weight compared to those who avoid it. In addition it is suspected of having a number of unfavorable physiological symptoms as numbness and weakness. You can read more about monosodium glutamate in by Karolina Łąkowska Monosodium glutamate (E621) – safe, but is it healthy?

3. Can you eat sweets on your diet?

They could not be missing from this list and you do not even have to pay for it explain the reason why they are there, because they almost know him all. For those who do not remember what it is about, let me remind you: sweets contain huge amounts of sugar. After consuming them, the level of insulin in the blood rises sharply, while rapidly lowering the previously high sugar level blood, which makes you want another sweetness in a very short time. But don’t worry. Interesting substitutes for sweets can be found. You will read about including in the article by Marta Tomaszewska Sweets – my love and my enemy.

4. are fruit juices good for your diet?

The fact that juices appear on this list may be even bigger a surprise, because juices are commonly considered healthy and valuable. Unfortunately they also contain a lot of sugar and at the same time are devoid of fiber. This makes them increase the appetite. This does not mean, of course, that you should be one of them give up completely. However, it is better to limit yourself to a glass of juice a day and drink it with meals that contain fiber, such as porridge or wholemeal sandwiches. And it would be best to drink a smoothie instead of juice. He wrote about the smoothie already our dietitian, Łukasz Wiertel, in the article Smoothie conquer the market?

5. Salty snacks

Salty snacks are loved by many people. They are treated as a great addition to watching a movie or meeting with friends. Unfortunately, like white bread, they are made of refined flour, and therefore lead to a rapid increase, and then a decrease in blood sugar, and co hence to a greater appetite. But it is not everything. Except for the cleansed one Another disadvantage of flour is the high salt content. And salt increases the appetite, especially for sweets. So it’s better to use alternatives of this type snacks and eat, for example, vegetable chips.  We have already written about them in the article Vegetable chips – what do they hide?

6. Can I drink alcohol on a diet?

Alcohol, like salty snacks, is inherent companion of many meetings with friends. And for alcohol, most people like something have a snack. Unfortunately, under its influence, we have less control over ourselves, because it happens lower self-control skills, which means that instead of choosing raw vegetables as a snack, we reach for salty snacks or sweets. Alcohol too has a high glycemic index. For example, the IG of beer is 110, which is more than for pure glucose. You can read more about the influence of alcohol on the figure in in the article Alcohol Will Ruin Your Body.

7. Are breakfast cereals dietary?

Most breakfast cereals on the market contain huge amounts of sugar and kilocalories. It makes your blood sugar jump like crazy, which makes us want more snacks very quickly. In addition flakes are most often made of refined flour that is even more so increases insulin release. It is also often added to the petals glucose-fructose syrup. So it would be much better when instead For sweetened breakfast cereals you choose to just get oatmeal either hand-composed muesli. After such a meal, you will be much more satiated than after heavily processed breakfast cereals. Be sure to read I also read the article by our dietitian Łukasz Wiertl, who created the breakfast cereal ranking. 

8. Fast food

It’s not enough that fast food is rich in fat and huge calories, they also contain large amounts of salt. And salt is not enough that it has a dehydrating effect, it further increases the appetite, especially for products sweet. Therefore, it is better to give up fast food altogether. And if sometimes there is an appetite for them, it is much better to prepare their dietary versions at home. You can read about how to create such lighter versions in the article Homemade fast food.

The list of products that increase the appetite is however much longer. Maybe you can supplement it by sharing your comments in the comments opinions on which products make you fast for hungry for them again? Which products to avoid on a diet? Which products are prohibited while losing weight?

Main photo: Photo credit: Channing in The City / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 1: Photo credit: TheCulinaryGeek / Foter / CC BY

Photo 2: Photo credit: Hieropenen / Foter / CC BY

Photo 3: Photo credit: Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 4: Photo credit: Infomastern / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 5: Photo credit: theogeo / Foter / CC BY

Photo 6: Photo credit: loop_oh / Foter / CC BY-ND

Photo 7: Photo credit: Artur Potosi / Foter / CC BY

Photo 8: Photo credit: Zanastardust / Foter / CC BY

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