What to ask your neighbors before buying an apartment: 5 important things

Documents are documents, and a conversation with real people will help to clarify a lot.

Finding a dream apartment is not easy. And when you find it, you need to check it for legal purity literally under a magnifying glass. But this is not enough. Sometimes even a full set of documents, a trusted bank and first-class lawyers will not be able to protect the buyer of an apartment from unforeseen troubles like unclean neighbors, constant noise under the windows, rats, bedbugs, cockroaches and other surprises. Only the current tenants of the house can tell about all its pitfalls.

About the real owner

It should be understood that when buying a home, sellers may deliberately hide some facts. Although the seller requires a certificate from the PND about his sanity, a mentally unbalanced person may not always be registered. Therefore, it is necessary to ask the tenants to describe the owner of the purchased living space. It may well turn out that you are far from the first buyer, and the previous ones refused the deal due to scandals and inappropriate seller behavior.

About neighbors

It is also advisable to ask about others living in the entrance. This is important, especially for those who have a home with gas supply. A drinking person, for example, not only will not give a quiet life, throwing noisy parties with suspicious friends, but also the gas can forget to turn off, endangering the whole house. And if there are “rubber” apartments in the house, where whole families of newcomers live, this is a separate “pleasure” in the form of smells of constantly fried food and an increased risk of cockroaches.

About noise insulation

This is also one of the important points. The first weeks of your stay you will enjoy your own living space. A month later, the constant noise will get bored: loud music, incessant renovations, parties, small children, yearning animals, etc. Therefore, ask about the degree of sound insulation.

About the quality of engineering communications

After renovation, the apartment may seem like a real fairy tale. Dazzling white pipes and batteries will definitely instill confidence in the future. But do not forget about the age of the house (on which it depends when the major repairs will take place) and its communications. Indeed, in other apartments, things may be different. And no one is immune from such emergencies when neighbors flood, for example.

About cockroaches

And other parasites – bugs, wood lice. Few of the sellers admit that cockroaches are often in the apartment. But how unpleasant it will be one morning to face in the corridor or bathroom with uninvited mustachioed guests. In addition to their disgusting appearance, they are carriers of infections. And they can only be removed centrally, when the entire entrance, or even the house, starts pest control at once.

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