What time to go to bed to wake up well-rested? Solve the equation and check
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Sleep is extremely important to our body. This is when our body and mind regenerate. Sometimes, however, it happens that, despite a large dose of sleep, we wake up tired in the morning. How it’s possible? Perhaps you went to bed at the wrong time. How to target the best time to go to bed? Learn a simple equation to help you with that!

  1. Experts say an adult should sleep between 7 and 9 hours
  2. However, there are people who spend more than 10 hours in bed, but do not wake up well-rested
  3. Why? It turns out that in addition to the number of hours, a certain rhythm is also important, which we should stick to when planning sleep. To understand it, all you need to do is do a simple equation
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Why do we need a dream?

Each of us needs an adequate dose of healthy sleep. Only in this way are we able to maintain both physical and mental balance. During sleep, our brain cleans itself of toxins. It also organizes information from the whole day. In turn, our body rests, regenerates itself so that in the morning it is ready for action again.

According to the recommendations of specialists, an adult should sleep about 7-9 hours a day. If we spend much less time on rest, we run the risk of serious diseases, including diabetes and problems with the circulatory system.

But what to do when, despite sleeping 7-9 hours a day, in the morning we get up sleepy and even more tired? This is where a simple equation comes in handy to keep your body and mind fresh and refreshed.

How to calculate when we should go to bed?

Addison Jarman is a famous sleep specialist. Every day, the expert is inundated with numerous questions about adequate rest. Many people who report to her have a similar problem. Even though they sleep for up to 10 hours, they are not able to rest.

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Addison Jarman decided to share an equation with them that would make their sleep much more qualitative. To this end, she recorded a video on TikTok in which she explained everything. The video has already been watched by over nine million internet users!

The expert emphasized that when calculating the time when we have to go to sleep, we should first of all take into account the duration of each of the sleep phases. Recall that it is divided into non-REM (hard sleep) and REM phases. The first one takes about 80-100 minutes. It is immediately followed by the REM (eye movement phase) phase, which takes only a quarter of an hour. This is when our body becomes flaccid and it is very easy to wake us up.

Addison Jarman says we’ll recover the most when we go through about 4-5 phases during the night. What does this mean in practice? If, for example, we have to get up at six in the morning, we should go to bed by 23:45 at the latest.

To make your sleep more efficient and calmer, reach for Aromatika Calming Herbal Blend available on Medonet Market at a promotional price. We also recommend Hemp4Sleep for a good sleep – a dietary supplement with CBD, the active ingredients of which support falling asleep, calm down and relax.

The expert explained that we sleep in cycles of about 90 minutes and it is best to wake up at the end of the cycle. We will not feel tired then.

“So think about what time you need to wake up, and then count backwards in 90-minute blocks to find out what time you need to go to bed,” advises in the video.

How to prepare for sleep?

A healthy sleep depends not only on what time we go to bed. It is also influenced by the conditions in which we sleep. So let’s make sure that our bedroom is properly ventilated in the evening. We also provide adequate shading. Not only blinds will work great here, but also thick curtains.

It is also worth thinking about a useful plant that absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. That is why in the bedroom it is worth placing, among others, aloe vera, orchids, winged flowers, or a coil, better known as the “mother-in-law’s tongue”.

It is also important how we prepare for sleep. It’s best if you take a hot bath with your favorite essential oils. We recommend bath salt with lavender oil “Calm” from Optima Natura.

Before going to bed, it is also worth reading a book, thanks to which you will calm down and relax. We certainly shouldn’t watch TV or catch up on the internet. The blue light that these devices emit is disastrous for our brain just before going to sleep. They make our body think that it’s still daytime and stop producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for the feeling of sleepiness. You can buy the YANGO melatonin dietary supplement at medonetmarket.pl. We also recommend Sedarel Noc – a dietary supplement for restful sleep, which, in addition to melatonin, contains lemon balm, hops and lavender.

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