What time should you fall asleep and wake up? You sleep best during these hours
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The ideal scenario is when we go to get up early and get up in the morning well rested and ready for new challenges. However, we know well that this is not always possible. The excess of responsibilities means that we are unable to go to bed early. So what time should we go to bed in order to wake up refreshed anyway? And what is the best time to wake up? We advise!

Healthy sleep is very important to our body. This is when our body has time to regenerate, and our brain can remember and process everything that happened on a given day. According to experts, we should pay attention to two aspects that will help us improve the quality of our sleep. It is all about its quantity and consistency over time. What else should we pay attention to?

How many hours of sleep does our body need?

Most experts recommend that adults get at least seven hours of sleep a night. It really all depends on how old you are. See the relationship between age and recommended amount of sleep:

  1. 0-3 months – 14-17 hours
  2. 4-12 months – 12-16 hours
  3. 1-2 years – 11-14 hours
  4. 3-5 years – 10-13 hours
  5. 9-12 years – 9-12 hours
  6. 13-18 years – 8-10 hours
  7. 18-60 years old – minimum 7 hours
  8. 61-64 years – 7-9 hours
  9. 65 and more – 7-8 hours

The best hours for sleep

Circadian rhythm is a term that describes the brain’s natural sleep and wake schedule. You could say that this is our internal clock. Each of us experiences a natural decrease in vigilance and increased wakefulness during the day. Research has shown that we become sleepiest between 13pm and 15pm and between 2am and 4am. However, it is possible to fight against a decline in form during the day. You just need to ensure better regeneration at night.

Your circadian rhythm also determines your natural bedtime and wake-up schedule. It is important to do this at regular times. As a result, your brain will get used to this schedule faster. Eventually you will get to the point where you will fall asleep without any problem and wake up before the alarm clock.

However, how to determine the optimal hours of going to bed and getting up? The best time to sleep at night is when you can achieve the expert recommended amount of sleep for your age group. For example, if you need to get up at 6am, you should go to bed by 23pm.

Establishing a sleep schedule will also help. However, it is important that you follow it every day – even on weekends. If you get up at 7am during the week and allow yourself to lie down until noon on Saturday or Sunday, Monday morning can be extremely difficult for you.

Side effects of too much or too little sleep

If you feel sleepy during the day, it is a sign that you did not get enough rest during the night. It can also make you more irritable and have trouble concentrating. Not getting enough sleep can also lead to long-term health consequences. Some of them are:

  1. hypertension,
  2. more frequent infections,
  3. diabetes,
  4. heart diseases,
  5. obesity,
  6. depression.

Interestingly, too much sleep is also not good for our health and overall well-being. It can lead to depression and cardiovascular problems. However, this is not all about sleeping too long. It can only be a sign of serious diseases that develop in our body, for example:

  1. sleep apnea
  2. depression
  3. Parkinson’s disease,
  4. diabetes
  5. heart disease
  6. thyroid disorders,
  7. asthma.

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