What time does a child start to speak, how to teach a child to speak

What time does a child start to speak, how to teach a child to speak

Parents are always worried when their baby hardly speaks, and his peers are already chatting with might and main. The author of books on family psychology, mother of 11 children, Ekaterina Burmistrova, believes that there is no need to panic in such a situation, but it is important to understand if there is any reason for concern.

March 27 2018

According to the norms, by the age of 2 years, the baby should speak in phrases. But according to statistics, only 10% of modern children correspond to them. The rest pronounce individual words and interjections: “mom”, “give”, “yes”, “no”, “BBC”, “yum-yum”. And there is no cause for concern. However, at this age, it is advisable for all children, without exception, to visit a speech therapist. He will determine if there are any irregularities in the work of the articulatory apparatus, observe how the baby reacts to questions. And if he finds a problem, he will send him for consultation to a specialist. It often turns out that the child does not need the help of doctors; he simply does not have the motivation to talk. After all, his parents understand him without words, they fulfill any whim. The solution to the problem is not so difficult – it is necessary to create conditions that will bring the baby to a conversation.

Gently but persistently ask the baby to explain what he wants

Ask more follow-up questions. Try to speak less yourself. When the mother does not stop talking, the child will not have a desire to engage in dialogue.

Get used to communication with peers

Many children start talking when they get to kindergarten, but some, on the contrary, withdraw into themselves. Therefore, it is better to first be like developing activities together in small groups. From 1,5 years old, the baby already needs to communicate with peers. Being among children, he will understand much faster what needs to be said, then they will play with him and be friends.

Offer to read together, learn poems, tongue twisters

Even if the child does not want to repeat them after you, do not back down. He remembers all the same and sooner or later will repeat. Some babies like songs, they also help to remove the verbal barrier.

Minimize contacts with gadgets and TV

Visual information inhibits speech development, because it does not stimulate the child to active communication.

Exercise fine motor skills with your baby

The center responsible for it is located next to the speech center. They are interconnected.

Games for the development of fine motor skills

Coloring mosaics from the series “I paint” are designed for the smallest (from 2 to 3 years old). They can be used to learn colors, shapes and English words. Constructors from the “Baby” series are suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old. Plastic parts are large, safe. You can collect animals, cars, trains from them. Fans of the cartoon “Cars” will be interested in 3D-puzzles of the same name. They include 9-17 fragments, are easy to assemble (for children from 3 years old). Bright mosaics with applications from the Toys Union series (from 3 to 7 years old) are fascinating to assemble not only together with your mother, but also in the company of peers.

Talking posters and electronic toys don’t always work well. In children, they sometimes cause irritation and anger.

Games that develop horizons and speech

Lotto “Azbuka” or “Lotto: 10 games in one box” are designed for children from 3 to 8 years old. During the game, show and clearly articulate what is depicted on the cards: animals, plants, food, surrounding objects. Even if the child does not immediately start repeating their names after you, he will still remember them and say them later. By the same principle, you can use the ABC in Pictures cubes (from 2-3 years old). Domino develops the kid’s memory, speech and communication skills. The shops offer a choice of different thematic sets: “Pets”, “Forest dwellers”, “Fruits”, etc. “Dominos” Smeshariki “will appeal to kids who are familiar with the characters of the famous cartoon.

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