What they drink in Japan: Shutu, Awamori and other alcohol traditions that we do not understand

Asians, and especially the Japanese, seem to many Europeans just people from another planet. And all in one face. They have completely unique local customs and traditions, including the culture of drinking alcohol. Although they also do not refuse European drinks.

I was inspired to write this article by watching the Oscar-winning movie Memoirs of a Geisha over the weekend. It’s very atmospheric.

Traditional Japanese spirits

The first association with the words “Japan” and “alcohol” is, of course, sake. Although what the whole world calls “sake” (either rice or vodka, or wine – even experts find it difficult to determine exactly) in Japan itself is called “nihonshu”. It contains 10-20% alcohol, depending on the type:

  • Junmai. The purest pure sake made only from rice.
  • Honjozo. Yeast is added to alcohol.
  • Ji Zake. “Craft” drinks from very small companies.
  • Nigori-zake. Milky white sake with an unusual creamy sour taste.

Outside of Japan, you can buy products of the most “mass” brands:

  • Savanocuru;
  • “Hakutcuru”;
  • “Nisinomi Suzo”;
  • Nihon Sahara;
  • “Gekkeikan”;
  • Takara Sujo.

Now sake in Japan is more of a tribute to tradition than a popular alcoholic drink.

Much less European consumers are aware of:

  1. Shochu. Roughly speaking, moonshine from “pasture” raw materials (potatoes, buckwheat, barley, rice, carrots, chestnuts, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds) with a strength of 25-40%. A strange nutty-earthy taste is a consequence of the distillation of the mash, then diluted with water. The number of distillations is determined by the manufacturer. The name roughly translates to “burnt liquid”.
  2. Awamori. Alcohol from the island of Okinawa with a strength of 30-43% (sometimes up to 60%). It is a distillation product of long-grain rice specially imported from Thailand. The name “foam-filled” roughly reflects the essence of the process.

Buying shochu and awamori outside of Japan is almost impossible.

Strong alcohol

It seems strange, but whiskey production is well established in Japan. The Americans, who essentially controlled the country after the Second World War, played a big role in popularizing the drink. The Japanese simply adapted its name to their own language – “uisuki”.

The quality is more than good, Japanese brands even receive awards at international exhibitions. A bottle of Yamazaki Suntory, Shirasu, The Hakushu or Hibiki is a great souvenir and just a work of art.

Japanese whiskey has received recognition from foreign experts.

Weak alcohol

The most popular low-alcohol drink is beer (4-5,5%). Here the Japanese are in solidarity with the rest of the world. Well-Known Brands:

  • “Asahi” (the most “massive”);
  • “Suntory” (“premium”, with a rich aroma);
  • “Sapporo” (with unusual bitterness);
  • “Kirin” (a typical lager);

Important! Beer in Japan refers exclusively to drinks with a malt content of 67% or more. If there is less of it, alcohol is called the “second beer” (“happoshu”), and when there is none at all, it is called the “third beer”.

Asahi is a massive Japanese brand that produces not only beer, but also soft drinks.

Ladies in Japan prefer shu-hai – light fruity alcohol (5-8%). The taste palette is very wide, the most popular are any citruses, pear, peach, pineapple.

Traditional Japanese wine is plum (ume-shu). The taste is very mild and pleasant. Alcohol is almost not felt, the drink is more like juice. It is fragrant and sweet, but not cloying. Apricot, raspberry, blackcurrant wines are also popular. The best brands are Takara Shuzo, Gekeikan, Choya, Fu Ki.

Important! A gift bottle of fruit wine in Japan is a wish for health and longevity.

Grape wine was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese Franciscan monks. The climate for grapes there, to put it mildly, is unsuitable, but over more than four centuries, several worthy brands have appeared, the products of which are supplied outside the country:

  • L’Orient Sakura No Wine Shirayuri
  • Choya Silver
  • Magrez-Aruga.

What do the Japanese prefer to drink?

Of the low-alcohol drinks, the Japanese traditionally prefer beer. In terms of its consumption, the country ranks fourth in the world.

Wines imported from the USA, Australia, Italy, France are popular among young people and ladies – red, white, pink, sparkling. From strong drinks, the Japanese are very likely to choose whiskey, gin or even vodka, but dilute them with water (from 1:4 to 1:10).

In bars, the Japanese often solve business and other important issues.

For the constantly disciplined and rule-based Japanese, alcohol is a way to relax and defuse the situation. At the same time, they pay great attention to the culture of drinking alcohol, buying expensive glasses, drinks of prestigious brands, visiting trendy bars. They drink both traditional Japanese drinks and European ones.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Have you been to Japan? Ever had a drink with the Japanese? What are your impressions of the alcohol itself and the “drinking buddies”?

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