What the richest women in the world look like

What the richest women in the world look like

Some you will not distinguish from your neighbor in the entrance.

“Now, if I had millions, I would also look like that,” every girl must have thought at least once, looking at a photo of stars. But in fact, celebrities, although they receive huge fees, are included in the Forbes lists only when they make a rating of highly paid actors or singers.

Even billionaire Kylie Jenner falls short of the richest women in the world. Among which, by the way, there are no ladies from show business and cinema. And these women do not look at all what we think. They don’t have time to go to their 25th plastic surgery or spend three hours in a makeup artist’s chair. There are rare exceptions though.

Françoise Bettencourt-Myers

Condition: $ 57,7 billion

In 2019, the heiress of the L’Oreal empire topped the list of the richest women in the world according to Forbes magazine. The owner of the concern can hardly be called a beauty. An eternally disheveled shock of thick hair, almost complete absence of make-up … And from Françoise’s thick eyebrows, many insta-beauties would be horrified.

Françoise is 66 years old, and she does not consider it necessary to hide the wrinkles that have appeared by this age. The businesswoman is all at work: in addition to managing the company, she is actively involved in charity work.

Alice walton

Condition: $ 51 billion

The 70-year-old daughter of Sam Walton, founder of the Walmart supermarket chain, has been at the top of the list of the richest women in the world for several years. Although she has little involvement in digging, Alice prefers to pursue art. Her hobby is collecting paintings. In 2011, she even opened the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Arkansas.

Alice looks bohemian and quite good for her age. Except that heavy-rimmed glasses give her a comic, but this is her trademark, in these she appears everywhere.

Julia Koch

Condition: $ 41 billion

In August of this year, billionaire David Koch passed away. Now his wife Julia is one of the ten richest women in America. She is now 57 years old, but the billionaire looks great – you won’t give her such years. However, if she were a star, she would be condemned for both modest makeup and eternal circles under the eyes.

Julia is actively interested in fashion, before her marriage she even worked as an assistant to designer Adolfo Dominguez. After the wedding, she devoted herself to family and cultural projects. For example, Mrs. Koch sits on the board of directors of the School of American Ballet.

Mackenzie Bezos

Condition: $ 35,2 billion

After her divorce from Jeff Bezos, she received a large part of his fortune. As compensation, Jeff gave Mackenzie 25% of his stake in Amazon. And she immediately soared to the third line of the richest women in the United States.

Mackenzie has not been particularly interested in business until now. She is more attracted to social activities and creativity: the former Mrs. Bezos has already written two novels.

Although with such a naturally striking appearance and figure, 49-year-old Mackenzie could well try herself in the cinema or on the catwalk. By the way, the current passion of the billionaire in terms of appearance is inferior to the ex-wife of Bezos.

Yang Huiyan

Condition: $ 26,3 billion

The richest Chinese woman, who owns the development company Country Garden Holdings, is rarely seen in the world. She leads a rather closed life, and little is known about her. 38-year-old Yan looks pretty average statistically, and you can’t say that she has been on the Forbes lists for many years. Even on rare television shoots, she does not consider it necessary to do makeup and styling.

Jacqueline Mars

Condition: $ 30,3 billion

The 80-year-old “queen of chocolate bars” who owns the Mars company sometimes forgets that she is no longer young. She loves lipstick and blush in all shades of pink and shiny clothes. If it were not for the massive and very expensive diamond jewelry, which Jacqueline apparently and invisibly has, she would have resembled a cute old woman from a neighboring yard.

Lauren Powell Jobs

Condition: $ 20,7 billion

Steve Jobs’s widow is an advocate of natural beauty. The 56-year-old blonde cannot be seen with bright makeup, and she does not hesitate and does not hide the signs of age. In general, Lauren spends her billions not on cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, but on social projects – for example, the reform of additional education.

Suzanne Klatten

Condition: $ 20,8 billion

The richest woman in Germany prefers convenience to beauty. A short haircut and a minimum of makeup is a universal beauty image of a billionaire. Owning almost a quarter of BMW and shares in other companies, 57-year-old Klatten complains that she hardly knows any rest. There is no time for beauty!

Gina Reinhart

Condition: $ 28,4 billion

Who would have thought that this cozy aunt actually got the nickname The Iron Lady. And not only because it owns an iron ore mining company, but also because of its tough character.

Probably, Gina could tidy up her eyebrows, get rid of the oily sheen on her face and learn not to emphasize her thin lips with bright red lipstick. But there is no time. Her motto: “Earn on your own – smoke less, drink less, communicate less and work more.”

Abigail Johnson

Condition: $ 15,9 billion

The 58-year-old entrepreneur, president of Fidelity Investments, and chairwoman of her subsidiary doesn’t look like a billionaire. Rather, she looks like a school teacher. An old-fashioned haircut, glasses, dim lipstick and not a trace of fashionable “tuning” on the face. Meanwhile, she has been successfully running the family empire for many years and is not going to let go of the leadership.

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