What the color of your period reveals

What the color of your period reveals

What the color of your period reveals
All women of childbearing age, that is to say between puberty and menopause, have periods: a loss of blood that is commonly referred to as menstruation. This perfectly feminine and natural phenomenon is not dirty or impure. Moreover, observing their color can allow you to learn more about your state of health.

The rules or menstruation, are the elimination, at the end of an ovulatory cycle, of the interior wall of the uterus: the endometrium. More precisely, when a woman is not pregnant and therefore there has not been fertilization, the drop in hormones in the blood leads to evacuation of the lining of the uterus. Contractions push the endometrium out in the form of bleeding.

The blood loss can change color, ranging from the lightest red to the darkest or even almost black. But what does the color of your period reveal? Should we be worried? Should we consult a doctor? Let’s take a look at these 50 shades of red …

Red: the usual color?

The bright red color is a sign that the flow is going well. Menstrual blood is red when it is flushed immediately short, proof that everything is fine.

Sometimes the blood may contain clots. If this is your case, don’t panic! Indeed, coagulation slows down the flow.

On the other hand, the blood loss should not last too long. If your rules last more than 8 days, see your gynecologist.

Bordeaux or even brown means oxidation

Your period blood may also be dark red in color, or even burgundy tan brown. It is contact with ambient air that causes oxidation and explains why the blood takes on this dark hue.

In general, this color appears when the period is light or when the cycle is near the end.

If the blood contains clots, it just means that the endometrium has detached from the uterus a few hours before the uterine contractions evacuate it.. This phenomenon has no worrying significance in itself.

On the other hand, if you have dark-colored bleeding outside of your period, make an appointment: it may be a fibroid.

Orange: watch out for smells

If you have blood loss that is orange-red in color, watch for the smell. If the latter is unusual, it could be a vaginal infection.

However, orange colored losses can also quite simply come from cervical secretions mixed with menstrual blood.

Clear, pink or reddish blood: pregnant or not?

If you have bleeding that is light red to pink in color, it may mean that you are at the start of your period: blood is mixed with usual discharge.

A pink or light red discharge can also mean that you are pregnant. This is because when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining seven days after fertilization, small bleeding may occur. They are due to the rupture of small blood vessels in the lining of the womb.

During pregnancy, sometimes “birthday menstruation” appear which is in fact small bleeding: nothing serious.

Also read our file:

Menstrual disturbances


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