What the body lacks if you want sweet, smoked, fatty

Now you want salty, now sweet, then all of a sudden it was necessary to drink milk. All this is not for nothing. The body tries to conduct a dialogue with us, but we do not always understand it.

Food whims are familiar not only to pregnant women. One friend of mine, for example, from adolescence, cannot resist pickles: if you fall into her hands with a bank, she will not calm down until she has eaten everything. Another under stress may eat nothing at all. When I work, I myself have to chew something sweet all the time, otherwise the brain refuses to think.

On the one hand, this is a classic eating disorder. On the other – a signal from our body: hey, buddy, something is wrong with you and me.

“Craving for certain foods can be a symptom of slow-moving diseases,” explains Galina Stepanova. – Or the fact that you lack certain vitamins and minerals. It has also been proven long ago that food is a companion of our psycho-emotional state. “

Our taste preferences can tell us a lot about the state of our body. The main thing is to remember: any suspicion and assumption must be checked with a doctor.

Salted cucumbers

And also sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and other pickles. And I also want to add salt to food all the time, it seems bland to you, even when the rest of the family complain about being too salty. And – an important note – you are definitely not pregnant!

What does it mean

In this case, doctors suggest passing a general urine test and doing an ultrasound of the kidneys, because we can talk about a sluggish inflammation, mainly of the genitourinary system: cystitis, adnexitis. But it can be any internal organ, as well as a general decrease in immunity. Salty and bitter tempts with strong intoxication of the body.

Other common causes of cravings include water-salt imbalance when you drink too little water. Also, as an option, you have been on a salt-free diet for a long time, and the body simply needs to make up for the lack of a number of useful substances: iodine, potassium, magnesium and salt itself – sodium chloride. It can also pull on salty foods with increased sweating, because sweat removes salt from the body.


It is considered a baby drink. Yes, many adults cannot stand it at all. I took a few sips – and spent the evening in the company of a faience friend. But there are those who cannot live without him. A glass of warm milk at night to help you sleep better. Cool – during the day, in the heat. In general, without milk anywhere.

What does it mean

Most often, the body in this way tries to tell us about the lack of calcium. And he chooses the richest drink for him. Milk is also rich in amino acids, in particular, tryptophan, which is involved in the formation of melatonin. This is why we sleep so well after milk at night. In addition, it is possible that there are many toxins in your body that act on the liver. Milk removes harmful substances well, and sometimes people who have liver problems notice that they are drawn to drink milk.


Remember the mouse named Rocky, who rushed to the rescue with Chip and Dale? What a frenzy they went at the word “cheese.” It seems that his health was not all right …

What does it mean

Firstly, cheese, along with milk, is a source of calcium. But not only. If you have felt an irresistible craving for cheese, which was not there before, you should think about the lack of phosphorus in the body. In addition, a passion for this product can manifest itself with a deficiency of magnesium, as well as B vitamins.

And for a few more years, scientists have proven that cheese increases blood pressure. Therefore, if your body is low, the body may also ask for such a tasty “medicine”.


In all its forms and manifestations: smoked, boiled, stewed and, of course, fried. Yes, vegetarians will forgive us now, but everyone, perhaps, knows the feeling when you want meat, only meat and more.

What does it mean

Such a passion for meat suggests that you are very tired. Energy is at zero, immunity is reduced. It is possible that hemoglobin is lowered and, most likely, we are talking about an iron deficiency, as well as a lack of animal proteins. By the way, women are especially attracted to meat during the menstrual cycle.


This is important: not just any sugar-containing sweetness, but chocolate. Dark or milky – it doesn’t matter, here the emphasis is on cocoa beans.

What does it mean

If you crave chocolate uncontrollably, with health, at least physical, you have no serious problems. Is that there is not enough magnesium, it can be replenished at the expense of other, less high-calorie foods. But the mood seems to be at zero. Researchers interpret the need for chocolate as depression and heavy emotions. Therefore, we are looking for a “hormone of joy” in it, which will cheer you up.

I also really want chocolate when hormones are raging. A sure sign – you overeat sweet, which means that your period is on its way. And then the pregnancy is already there.

And with intense mental work, the brain really needs glucose, which is abundant here, as in any other high-calorie delicacies. If, on the whole, you cannot resist eating sweets, it means that your nervous system is simply at the limit, you are in constant overstrain.

But! If you consume tons of candy and at the same time often and a lot of running to the toilet, make an appointment with an endocrinologist to check yourself for a tendency to diabetes.


Do you think it’s easy? If you want coffee, then you just didn’t get enough sleep? Well, not really. Coffee really tones up the body. But if you drink cup after cup, and you want more and more, then what?

What does it mean

No, it could be a habit. The coffee addict is not yet a diagnosis, but close to that. And maybe a deficiency of a number of vitamins and minerals. In particular, coffee contains magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and even sulfur. And also chlorogenic acid, which is an antioxidant, and other amino acids.

Bread and…

No, not spectacles, although it would be nice. Macaron! Or any other fast carbohydrates.

What does it mean

It turns out that these carbohydrates are not enough for you. Only here’s the thing: the body tries to replenish their reserves as quickly as possible and therefore provokes you to fast carbohydrates. Better still try to fool the brain with slow ones.

It is interesting that our love to eat hearty sweets is hidden here. Have you noticed that after rice, white bread and pasta, you are very often tempted to take a candy? This is due to the fact that simple carbohydrates instantly raise sugar levels. And when this “volley” goes down, we naturally want to get another portion of sugar.


Especially mussels and seaweed. No, you are not a gourmet, you are just missing something.

What does it mean

Namely iodine. Unfortunately, this is a misfortune for the inhabitants of all cities located far from the sea coast. This is why we need seafood so much. And if you dislike them, replace, for example, persimmon or buckwheat porridge.

Smoked meat

The product is completely unsuitable for proper nutrition. But what if you can’t get past the raw smoked sausage? Listen to yourself!

What does it mean

Perhaps we are talking about the fact that the body lacks saturated fatty acids, cholesterol. Yes, this is an important component, without it anywhere. In this case, you need to increase the consumption of vegetable fats.

Butter sandwich

Or a cake with butter cream, or cookies like kurabiye. Drooling? That’s the same.

What does it mean

Your body is just screaming about vitamin D deficiency. Without it, there is neither beauty nor immunity. And if you are a vegetarian, you may be lacking in saturated fat.

I just want to eat everything and more

An uncontrollable dietary intake can, of course, be dietary promiscuity. But if we were you, we would still go to the doctor.

What does it mean

Very often, an increased appetite indicates psychological problems, including depression (we add that a complete lack of appetite, as well as the feeling that food has become bland and tasteless, can also be a symptom of it). Also, all the time you want to eat before menstruation, at the beginning of pregnancy, nervous exhaustion.

But there are situations when overeating speaks of diseases, including diabetes, bulimia, worms, or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

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