A child’s life begins long before birth. He is busy with his very important affairs, but sometimes he is distracted by the outside world.
Of course, this part of our life – before we are born – is safely forgotten by us. They say that we only remember what happened to us after reaching the age of three, the rest is illusion. However, this does not prevent scientists from asserting that a person is already capable of perceiving (and sometimes remembering) a lot at the early stages of his formation.
At about the 15th week of life, the fetus, whose eyes have not yet opened, is already able to perceive light, especially sunlight. Of course, the future baby is reliably hidden from the sun’s rays, but it can still feel the changes in lighting – it’s like if you yourself are lying in a room with your eyes closed and realize that it has just become brighter because the sun has just peeped out from behind the clouds. By the 22nd week, the eyes open. Vision is not yet fully formed, but the fetus begins to perceive the light more clearly – if at this time, being in a dark room, shine a flashlight on your stomach, then it is not a fact that your future baby will wave a pen in response, but will notice for sure.
The ability to perceive sounds appears around the 20th week of life. So far, the future baby does not distinguish sounds, but he begins to hear something, as he begins to perceive vibrations. But at this stage of development, he does not react to them in any way, since the nervous system has not yet been formed.
Time in the womb flows quite quickly – at the 20th week, the fetus still practically does not hear anything, but after 3 weeks his hearing aid is practically formed. At this stage, he is already able to hear sounds, distinguish them and react to them – to some with sympathy, to others, on the contrary. Therefore, doctors recommend, starting from this period, fathers and mothers to talk with the future baby so that he gets used to the sounds of their voices, and also turn on soft calm music.
Once hearing has formed, the fetus hears more than muffled external sounds. Very clearly, the baby hears how his mother’s body works – the beating of the heart, breathing, rumbling in the stomach and, sorry, in the intestines. Constant heartbeat, of course. Partly for this reason, newborns are recommended to be placed on the mother’s chest – the sound of her heartbeat is familiar to the baby and can quickly calm him down.
Being in the womb, the future little man is able to feel the touch of his mother’s belly. Doctors have recently been increasingly inclined to believe that a person’s life begins not from birth, but from conception, therefore, they advise mothers to stroke their own belly more often in order to convey their warmth and affection to him and establish a connection with an unborn child even before he appears on light.
Continued material – on page 2 arrow to the right.
The temperature of the body of the fetus and the surrounding waters is practically unchanged throughout pregnancy, since the future baby is rather snug inside the mother’s body. True, for this she has to avoid overheating – which is why pregnant women are advised not to take too hot baths and not overheat in the sun, especially during the first trimester, when the fetus is still most vulnerable to heat exposure.
Recently, experts have increasingly come to the conclusion that a baby’s taste for food may be due to what his mother ate during pregnancy. It is sometimes difficult to force children to eat vegetables, but if there were a lot of them in your diet during pregnancy, then perhaps the born child will eat them more willingly, having got used to them in the womb. Of course, not yet born, he gets used not to the taste, but to the chemical composition, but at the same time they will not taste alien and unfamiliar when he begins to eat them already in their natural form.
As well as the taste for certain food, your unborn baby may develop likes and dislikes towards different smells – this, according to experts, can be influenced by what smells the mother liked (or vice versa) during pregnancy. In fact, the unborn child, being in the amniotic fluid, does not smell, but he can perceive the chemical composition of the air inhaled by the mother and her emotion, and there is a possibility that, having already been born, upon smelling a certain smell, the baby will “remember” the mother’s emotions that were “Prescribed” during the formation of his body in the womb. The olfactory system begins to develop in the fetus from the seventh week of its development, and the further, the stronger your unborn baby will smell, even react to them if the smell is especially strong.
Of course, the future baby hears all the voices, it is no coincidence that dads are advised to talk with an unborn child – so he will get used to the sound of his voice in advance. However, the mother’s voice for the baby will always be special, since he hears it completely differently than everyone else: it is heard not from outside, but from inside, which means more reverberation and a greater number of sound waves, which the future baby perceives not only with the help of the hearing organs, but and with all my body.
The fact that hormones can get out of control during pregnancy is well known, but, alas, it is impossible to avoid this – such is the physiology of the female body. The body is rebuilding itself, preparing to endure a new life, therefore hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, adrenaline, endorphin and others begin to be produced in unusual quantities, which gives rise to emotional changes and sudden changes in physical condition. Of course, the child does not feel the hormonal surges in their mother’s body themselves, but the consequences – exactly the same changes and drops. However, you should not worry about it – since it is so provided by nature, then there is no particular harm from this.