What temperature should not be brought down in a child, in children
Most viral diseases, including ARVI, are accompanied by an increase in temperature. But this phenomenon is a positive sign, meaning that the immune system is fighting the disease. Therefore, parents should know what temperature should not be brought down in babies. After all, antipyretics interfere with the body’s fight against viruses.
Is it worth bringing down the temperature in children
When the virus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce interferon – a substance that helps to destroy pathogens. This process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, so fever is not always a bad thing. On the contrary, this phenomenon suggests that the child has good immunity, independently coping with the disease. And antipyretics weaken the body’s defenses, so these drugs should be used in extreme cases.
The temperature does not need to be knocked down if it is low and does not cause severe discomfort in the baby.
If the temperature does not exceed 38,5 °, then you should not knock it down for no reason. But nevertheless, babies tolerate heat in different ways, so you need to be guided not by the indicators of the thermometer, but by the condition of the child. Helping the child’s body should be in such cases:
- The baby has cold hands and feet in the heat. Such a phenomenon may be a sign of a preconvulsive state.
- The kid is too lethargic, whiny and pale.
- The temperature exceeded 40 °.
- The fever is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.
- The high temperature lasts more than 3 days.
Pay particular attention to the temperature of infants under 3 months of age, and fever in babies with heart problems. If the thermometer is above 38 °, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
How to bring down the temperature of a child
If there is a need to bring down the heat of the baby, then in no case use “adult” antipyretic drugs such as “Aspirin”, because such drugs are very harmful to a growing body. Much safer and more effective “Paracetamol” or “Ibuprofen”, although the latter drug is best used if the temperature is accompanied by pain. During treatment, adhere to the following rules:
- Do not give the medicine more than 3 times a day.
- Do not exceed dosage.
- Provide your baby with plenty of warm drinks.
- Don’t wrap your baby too tight.
Do not panic if the baby has a fever with ARVI, because fever is a completely positive sign, saying that the body has begun to fight the disease. Therefore, you do not need to give your baby antipyretics for the slightest reason.