What tasks in the kitchen does the French press help to solve?

It can not only help you brew delicious and healthy leaf tea. The French press has much wider possibilities in culinary matters. 

There are at least 5 reasons to hit your French press more often. 

To make a cappuccino with high froth

If you don’t have a coffee machine, a French press will help you prepare your favorite drink as if you ordered it in a coffee shop. To do this, it is enough to pour hot milk into it, and then intensively lower and raise the press inside the flask. Usually 30 seconds are enough for a thick foam to appear.


To rinse cereals

Pour cereals into a French press, pour running water and press down with a press. Drain the liquid, and throw the washed porridge into a saucepan. Such a life hack will help separate water from cereals and at the same time maintain their original volume.

To make lemonade

Cut the fruit, place it on the bottom of the appliance and fill it with cold water. Leave the French press in the refrigerator overnight and then squeeze out the liquid – your homemade lemonade is ready!

To prepare aromatic oil

Pour herbs (for example, a handful of rosemary, basil and dill) into the appliance, and then cover with any vegetable oil. Place the lid on the French press and refrigerate for a couple of days. Then squeeze the oil and use it as a dressing for boiled potatoes, salads and fish.

To soak food

Pour in the required amount and cover with boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then drain the water and use as directed.

We will remind, earlier we told what tricks allow you to make homemade cakes less high-calorie, and also advised how to save spicy food. 

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