What symptoms are most often reported by COVID-19 patients now? A doctor from the Lublin region explains
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The fourth coronavirus wave is in full swing. Currently, several thousand coronavirus infections occur daily. Vaccinated people most often report cold-like symptoms. The situation is slightly different in the case of unvaccinated people. – We have patients who are seriously ill, with respiratory disorders, with very high fever, low saturation – says Małgorzata Stokowska-Wojda, family doctor from Łaszczów in the province of Łaszczów. Lublin.

  1. Last day there were over 13,5 thousand. coronavirus infections. Over 76 have been tested. people
  2. What are the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection now?
  3. In the case of vaccinated people, low-grade fever, runny nose and slight cough predominate. Less often there is a loss of smell and taste, while hearing impairment occurs
  4. In those unvaccinated, the course of the disease is much more serious, but the doctor Małgorzata Stokowska-Wojda points out another serious problem
  5. Maybe there is an accumulation of a long covid tail after the first infection and the effects of re-infection – says Stokowska-Wojda
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Fourth wave – the most common symptoms of COVID-19

Adrian Dąbek: What are the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection now?

Bow. Małgorzata Stokowska-Wojda: We have severely ill patients, with respiratory disorders, with very high fever and low saturation. And these are mainly people who are not vaccinated. It is rare for people to test positive for COVID-19 after the second vaccine. But when they do, they get infected like a mild cold. Slight low-grade fever, runny nose, slight cough. And these symptoms disappear within a few days. This is what coronavirus infection looks like in people who defend themselves thanks to the vaccine. However, in the case of unvaccinated people, it can be very different, difficult courses can happen.

Well, doctors probably do not have it easy to diagnose now. The flu and cold season is in full swing, there are also other respiratory infections.

We have a very hard time. The only possibility of diagnosing the patient, proper treatment and possible isolation, because it is extremely important, are tests. We are so good that we perform the tests in our clinic. Any patient who has symptoms of infection is tested. Everyone is tested, vaccinated and unvaccinated. This allows people to be weeded out of COVID-19. They are examined in a separate room. If their condition allows it, they are further treated at home. And we make an agreement with them that if something suspicious or doubtful should happen, deterioration of the condition or lack of improvement, we send them to the hospital.

COVID-19 shipping tests are available on Medonet Market.

Are the most characteristic symptoms of the previous coronavirus variant, i.e. loss of taste and smell, still present?

Incidentally. It happens, but rarely. The smell and taste disturbances resulted from the virus attacking the cranial nerves that are responsible for these senses. At this time, it is more common for a patient to report a sudden deterioration in hearing. This variant has an affinity for the auditory nerve. But this is also not a common symptom.

  1. «Winter can be tragic. A dozen or so million Poles are still not immune »

Previously, we had an approach that if I do not have a taste and smell disorder, I do not have COVID-19. And now, very importantly, there are no particularly specific symptoms for COVID-19. If there is a loss of taste and smell or hearing, you can actually suspect a coronavirus, but on the other hand, if there are no symptoms, it does not mean that we can stop being vigilant.

Do intestinal complaints appear?

It is less than it used to be. They appear, but less frequently.

What about back pain?

They keep coming up. Most respiratory viral infections have symptoms such as muscle aches and pains in the joints. But now very often there is also a very strong headache. Persistent and hard to handle.

COVID-19 re-infection – what are the risks?

There are patients who are infected for the second time? What are the symptoms in such cases?

I haven’t had many such patients, so it’s hard for me to generalize. These were isolated cases. But there are people who contracted COVID-19 in February and March, did not get vaccinated and in late October and early November fell ill for the second time. Symptoms are similar because those related to the respiratory system dominate.

In fact, getting sick and suffering from COVID-19 is one problem. But there is also a second issue. COVID-19 leaves behind these long-lasting symptoms called a covid tail. And they can also occur in patients who had a very mild course of the disease or it was asymptomatic. This happens frequently in children. They have symptoms of a previous infection, but no symptoms of the disease itself.

  1. «Winter can be tragic. A dozen or so million Poles are still not immune »

And in those patients who fall ill for the second time and this infection is not severe, not requiring a stay in the hospital, it may be that the effects of the second illness overlap on the covid tail after the first illness. And this can be a serious problem because cumulation occurs. We will only know what the repair looks like in some time. But there are grounds to be serious about such effects.

Especially since many people who have had their first infection behind them think that it was almost like a vaccination and they are protected. And immunization gives longer protection than getting sick. At the moment, we are taking the third dose to improve immunity and not get sick. After the second dose, some people get sick, but they defend themselves with the antibodies. And the runs are gentle. This also applies to elderly people with comorbidities. And these people, despite aggravating factors, get mildly ill.

And what it will look like after the second infection, we do not know. We don’t have any data yet, because it’s still ahead of us. For now, we know the remains are there. In one of the studies, intellectual functions after coronavirus were checked, and depending on the type of these functions (e.g. fresh memory and recalling), changes were found in 15 to 22 percent. subjects. This is even a quarter of the cases. Intellectual dysfunctions were therefore quite common, and we do not know if this will accumulate after the second illness.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. Poles are “yes” to the third dose [SONDAŻ]
  2. In October, the greatest number of deaths in Poland in years. Over 12 died within a week. people
  3. Experts: This group should not take the third dose of the vaccine
  4. Great health knowledge quiz. How many points will you get? [QUIZ]

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