What sports for seniors?

To age while remaining in good health, practicing a regular sporting activity is an essential condition. And contrary to what one might think, many sports are compatible with old age.
1. Dance
Of course, there is no question of putting on spikes and wearing a tutu. Though… classical dance is excellent for keeping flexibility and having a good back bearing.
You can also get down to country friendly and great for memory, thanks to regular sequences.
If you like to move and need to let off steam, try zumba: good mood and sweating guaranteed !
Finally, more traditional, ballroom dances are also excellent for healthy aging.
2. Swimming
Swimming and its derived sports are excellent for the health of seniors. Take a subscription and go for a few breaststroke lines to work out and secrete endorphins, these famous hormones of happiness which have an anti-depressant effect.
Water aerobics is also particularly recommended for seniors who wish to maintain good physical condition. Its advantage? It is a sport that is not traumatic for the joints since it is practiced in water and allows shock absorption.
To stimulate your cardiovascular system and improve your blood circulation, sign up for the aquabike ! A sport where you spend your energy without dying of heat since the bike is in the water.
3. Walking
Economic, accessible to all and friendly: walking only has advantages.
Its benefits on the health of seniors are numerous: toning of the heart and better blood circulation, improvement of breath, prevention of the risk of obesity, strengthening of the bones.
The ideal? Walk 30 minutes a day at a good pace 3 to 4 times a week.
Regarding the equipment, choose suitable shoes and bring trekking poles. Be sure to bring water and a hat if it’s hot, as well as clothing with reflective stripes to stay visible along the roads.
4. Cycling
Cycling is a recommended sport for seniors. Indeed, pedaling a bicycle is great for blood circulation, heart, muscle coordination, balance and breathing.
One of the advantages of cycling, and not the least, is its practice outdoors. It allows you to take the air and enjoy nature, as long as you take forest paths.
To practice cycling, choose a suitable bike that will allow you to keep both feet on the ground when you are stationary. Remember to check the condition of your brakes and your lighting system each time you ride.
Finally, be sure to respect the safety instructions (wearing a helmet and a fluorescent vest) and don’t forget that the highway code also applies to bicycles!
5. Gymnastics
The practice of gymnastics is recommended for seniors who wish to keep in shape. And they are spoiled for choice!
Pilates is a gentle gymnastics that combines deep breathing with physical exercises. It is practiced on the ground, on a mat or with objects (balls, springs, elastic bands) which make it possible to stimulate the balance. Its other benefits: deep back muscles, relieve chronic back pain and keep a flat stomach.
Postural stretching is a sport that allows you to move smoothly while improving posture. It also has the particularity of work both body and mind by controlling your breathing.
Read also: Aging well? It’s possible!