What spoils your teeth: the rules of a beautiful smile

What spoils your teeth: the rules of a beautiful smile

Did you know that teeth and a smile are the second thing we look for when evaluating a person as attractive or not?

According to research, 48% of people are unhappy with their teeth. And as practice shows, most often we ourselves are to blame for the unrespectability of our own teeth.

Dentist Mark Hughes is confident that the path to a healthy smile is simple – you just need to avoid stuffing various objects in your mouth.

Who of us has never chewed our nails at least once in our life for one reason or another? There is hardly such a person. Now think about it, when we bite our feet, which, it would seem, are not stones, we still injure our teeth and provoke their wear and tear, especially if this bad habit has become permanent.

This is rather a problem for schoolchildren and students, but in mature life, bitten caps of ballpoint pens are also found. Such a habit is no better than “sharpening” nails with teeth, but it can provoke the development of such an unpleasant syndrome as creaking teeth at night, not to mention the possibility of injuries to the muscles and joints of the jaws with the next bite of a pencil.

If you think that chewing tobacco is much safer than cigarettes (there is no smoke!), Then you are deeply mistaken. Tobacco is a carcinogen and chewing it significantly increases the risk of oral cancer.

Many of us sinned with this in our youth – they opened bottles with our teeth, and someone continues to this day. It’s time to stop, at best you will break a tooth, at worst you will injure both your face and neck.

Bad news for sweet lovers: cold chocolate is dangerous for your teeth! No, you won’t chill them, but you can break a tooth, crown and veneers on the chocolate bar that was in the refrigerator. So think about it and switch to melted rather than too hard chocolate.

This evergreen perennial plant is native to Southeast Asia, but we also find it as a kind of Asian eco know-how. Betel leaves have a tonic effect and are considered useful, and then they are chewed, as we once used tree resin instead of chewing gum. But betel nut is not as beautiful as people say about it, teeth blacken from it, gums become inflamed, but the worst thing is a carcinogen, which you know is dangerous with what.

Everything is elementary here. It is better to rinse your mouth with the paste than to take someone else’s toothbrush. You can do otherwise only if you are pursuing the goal of picking up foreign bacteria and getting gum disease.

And again the topic of cancer. According to dentists, frequent consumption of whiskey and cigars significantly increases the risk of developing oral cancer. Going to Cuba? Don’t look at the locals and don’t smoke cigars.

Unprotected casual oral sex

It would seem, how can teeth suffer in such circumstances? But … There is such a nasty virus as HPV, outwardly it manifests itself as skin growths that look like warts. So, this trouble can occur on any part of the body and the virus is transmitted through sexual contact. Alas, a cosmetic defect in the form of a wart is not the only weapon of HPV, the virus can provoke the development of cancer, including the oral cavity.

Not only sweet lovers should be careful, but also those who cannot live without lemons. If eaten too often, lemon juice, namely its acidity, can cause enamel erosion. Do you need it?

5 things that will make our mouth happy

New toothbrush – this hygiene item needs to be changed every three months, since frayed damaged bristles do not do their job well.

Cheese – After a sweet or sour meal or drink, eat a small piece of cheese, for example, “Cheddar”, it will help neutralize the acid from the food and protect the enamel.

Fluoride toothpaste – it significantly increases your chances of fighting tooth decay.

Tongue scraper – the culprit 90% of cases of bad breath are plaque on the tongue, which is why it needs to be scrubbed off.

Water – drink plain, not sweet water, and your teeth and gums will be healthy.

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