What shouldn’t be thrown away

Nowadays it is very easy for people to part with unnecessary things by simply sending them to the trash can. But in ancient Russia everything was completely different.

Some objects, on pain of death, could not be taken out of the house, much less allowed to get into other people and even birds. Superstitious people to this day listen to old signs. Believe in scientifically unexplained judgments or not is everyone’s business. But here is a list of things that, as it is believed, simply absolutely must not be thrown away.

Hair and nails are also the key to our energy. If they fall into the hands of sorcerers, they can be used to carry out sinister rituals: love spells or damage. Moreover, it is believed that if a bird finds a lock of your hair and uses it as a building material for its nest, then the person who owns the hair will suffer a severe headache.

Bread has long been the most important dish on the table, an indicator of wealth, since its presence symbolizes order, a well-fed and contented life. To this day, this is not even a sign, but rather a tribute to the ancestors who fought in the war and won thanks to the forces that drew only from the crusts of bread.

Salt Is a symbol of life, good luck and family happiness. With the help of it, you can heal and, conversely, harm the person to whom it belongs. By borrowing or throwing it away, you consciously take the risk of getting rid of your well-being.

Religious items… Icons, pectoral crosses, religious books and amulets have always been considered human property and passed down from generation to generation.

Photos carry significant information about the person depicted on it, are a direct channel to his energy. With its help, even an inexperienced magician or sorcerer will be able to influence the biofield of a person with malicious intent.

Wedding dress and veil. In no case should you throw away either one or the other, let alone burn, as this can have an extremely negative effect on married life, undermine the physical condition, mental balance and financial well-being of the family. And if you pass these wedding accessories by inheritance, then there is a risk of giving away family happiness with them.

Purse. In order to understand whether you should throw out your old wallet, you need to remember how often money was found in it, because this accessory has a special connection with its owner – the energy of wealth. Therefore, if before you were always pleased with the amount in it, then it is better not to get rid of this thing, so as not to lose wealth, but simply to remove it somewhere far away, and use a new one for its intended purpose.

Clock. It is dangerous to throw away a watch received as a gift from a loved one, since in this way you deliberately provoke a conflict and a possible break in relations with him.

If you want to throw these things away …

… then you need to do it in the right way in order to protect yourself from negative consequences.

When disposing of the named items, the first step is to cleanse them of your energy by holding them for some time in salty, or better, holy water.

After that, you need to take good care of choosing a method to get rid of the vital subject. The best option is to bury it in the ground where no one will ever find it, descend through running water, since it is believed that water brings everything where it should, or burning (but, for example, for a photo, it is strictly forbidden).

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