Leaving the latest achievements of science, religious views and philosophy in the background, the sexual act gives the beginning of every life. Regardless of whether sex will cease to exist for us, become an unpleasant phenomenon or bring unprecedented pleasures, for each of the pairs of future parents, sex will become a new adventure, undergoing constant changes over a period of nine months. Differences between individual couples are large, but there is a common point for all trimesters of pregnancy – the variability of intercourse. It may turn out that sex during pregnancy will become a wonderful experience and it will be difficult to reconcile that it should be limited. It can also mean an uncomfortable commitment or complete resignation. The choice of the nine-month sexual experience depends on the individual couple and their feelings related to their physical and mental state.
During the first trimester of pregnancy and especially at the very beginning of pregnancy clearly spada libido. Fatigue, drowsiness, constant nausea and accompanying vomiting effectively discourage nights full of activity. You should not force yourself to increase your attractiveness in such a state. It is worth adapting to the new situation and if you and your partner have a free afternoon, it is worth trying to arrange a romantic, love adventure then, and just sleep at night. However, there are future mothers who see this time as a time of increased sexual needs. The power of sexual sensations is driven by hormonal congestion and swelling of the genitals. They may experience multiple orgasms during this time, or experience an orgasm for the first time.
Mostly, interest in sex during pregnancy returns and intensifies in the second trimester. The future mother had enough time to get used to the new situation, and so did the future father. The tiring nausea and vomiting are over, the fatigue is slowly fading away and you can start to enjoy yourself and the bond between you. Especially couples who had to spend a lot of effort, efforts and sacrifices to get pregnant can use this time recreationally. No more calendars, temperature charts, uncertainty and waiting. It’s time to start enjoying uninhibited sex.
As your life grows inside you, your figure changes and intercourse in the last trimester of pregnancy is determined by these changes. The growing belly becomes an obstacle as big as mountain tops. Your new shapes may also slightly discourage your husband, although most men at this time adhere to the principle that when pregnant, big is beautiful. Some happy couples enjoy the fact that their breasts are fuller and firmer. Others are disturbed by their hypersensitivity and soreness. In a healthy, normal pregnancy, intercourse does not carry the risk of injuring the baby or causing miscarriage or causing contractions that are the reason for early delivery. The baby during your love ecstasy may feel a gentle rocking, but it certainly does not see or hear anything. It is perfectly protected by the walls of the uterus. Sometimes our aversion to sex stems from our feelings about the time you two are coming to an end. Most reject the image of their own parents and sex, although we are proof that such a fact took place.
Pregnancy is a time full of changes at every level of our lives. This also applies to our sexual relationships. Good relationships are not built overnight, they are worked out in patience, understanding and above all in love. This also applies to intercourse, which changes in such a special period as waiting for the fruit of your joint experiences – a child. At this time, you should look primarily for the benefits of sexual fulfillment for both of you, it is also a very good physical exercise in preparation for childbirth. Very few high-performance athletes feel such pleasure from training.