What should we do when we wake up? The doctor explains

What are you doing first when you get up in the morning? Do you turn to the other side instead of standing up? Or maybe you are lazily taking the direction to the kitchen to help yourself with aromatic coffee? How many people, so many rituals. One thing is for sure, most of us start our day with a serious mistake. Find out what your doctor thinks about it and how to start your morning with energy for the rest of the day.

What are we doing wrong when we wake up?

The first major sin we all face is endlessly hurrying and running. We start our rush by getting out of bed – usually sleepy and late, we procrastinate our left leg. Then it can only get worse.

How we start the day is of the utmost importance. There are some good habits to include in your morning rituals and some mistakes that can cost you a lot of energy. Read what the doctor, Michał Domaszewski, advises on his YouTube channel. There are several ways that can make it easier to get started.

First mistake: five more minutes …

What do you do when your alarm clock or phone alarm goes off? You turn it off and …? Most of us don’t get out of bed immediately after waking up, and take a short nap. Five more minutes – sounds very innocent. In fact, we take away a lot of energy at the start. As sleep expert Timothy Morgenthaler points out, most sleep scientists say that an extra nap makes us feel more sleepy. Why? Because during these few or several minutes we are not able to go through all stages of sleep and we wake up in the deep sleep phase. The effect is counterproductive. Using a nap (or multiple naps) when you wake up makes it we are more tired.

What to do when you wake up?

It’s best to drink a glass of water even better with the addition of lemon. This is always a great idea because we haven’t been drinking any fluids for at least a few hours. For good hydration at the start, the body will always thank us.

According to body language researcher Amy Cuddy, the best way to have a good day is also morning stretching. You can do it while still in bed. Why is it so important? According to the results of her research at Harvard, most people spend the night in the embryonic position, which affects the level of stress they feel. Although the position resembling a rolled up ball is relaxing, after waking up, neither the body nor the psyche are satisfied. It turns out that people who sleep curled up in a ball wake up much more stressed than those who lie freely in a different pose.

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If you are a man, you can use your morning to sexual activity. This is the best time of the day. Exactly at six in the morning, testosterone levels are at their highest.

Mistake two: coffee

Once we get out of bed, we naturally go to rescue. In such a difficult moment, we gladly reach for caffeine, which is to wake us up and put us on our feet. Unfortunately, drinking coffee after waking up is pointless and we do not need it physically. Not only that, it may even have the opposite effect to the expected effect.

According to studies, drinking coffee after waking up can lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone responsible for arousal. In the morning, the cortisol level is high and does not need any additional stimulation. The best time for a cup of coffee is ten in the morning, when the stress hormone level starts to drop and we need a little help.

Further part under the video.

A little exercise won’t hurt

Not only will it not hurt, it will even improve our mood. It’s no secret that physical activity stimulates the production of happiness hormones and adds energy. If you feel you don’t have time to exercise in the morning, it’s time to reassess your views. You don’t have to make a revolution in your life and get on your feet at five in the morning. A great exercise that will not overburden you and will not steal more than a few minutes is a plank, a popular board. If you want to start more intensively, use short HIIT workouts or a few minutes’ tabata (don’t forget about a short warm-up).

Getting up plan

In order for getting up to be enjoyable, it is worth sticking to a set ritual that will introduce habits that stimulate us to live. According to Michał Domaszewski, it is worth planning the morning activities in detail, which we can easily skip in a hurry.

1. Open the windows. Allowing daylight to increase the secretion of serotonin. Darkness, on the other hand, causes increased sleepiness.

2. Drink a glass of water. After all night long, your body needs to be hydrated.

3. Eat breakfast. No later than half an hour after waking up. Thanks to this, you will gain energy and take care of the proper hormonal balance and metabolism in the body. The lack of breakfast is an ally of metabolic diseases.

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4. Add items you like to your plansuch as reading the newspaper or taking a refreshing shower.

When getting up is an orderly and regular part of your day, you’ll feel much better all day long. You will also avoid unnecessary stress caused by oversleep and racing. Remember, your body likes regularity very much.

If you have trouble sleeping, try the Sleep Pro supplement, which helps you fall asleep and reduces stress.

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YouTube / Lekarze, innpoland.pl, businessinsider.com.pl

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