Hello dear readers! Today we will try to find the answer to the question: «What should I do if I degrade?». Unfortunately, in the world every day more and more people ask themselves this question. And if your turn has come, then I can say one thing right away — not everything is so bad and it is quite possible to return to its former form, and maybe even develop your abilities even more than they were. Do you know why I say so? If a person realizes that he is degrading, it means that not everything is lost yet.
Before moving on to recommendations, I want to emphasize that degradation can be of different types. Depending on them, methods should be selected that will help change the situation for the better.
Make changes to your appearance. Change can be quite an inspiring element that will stimulate action. And who knows, maybe not only the quality of life will change, but also its arrangement. Consult a stylist who will help you choose the most suitable image for you.
Girls, when they realize that they have become boring to themselves, practically do not attract attention to themselves. If only because they simply do not notice it. In this state, there is no energy for flirting, flirting. And as you yourself understand, few people react with interest and excitement to an unfortunate appearance. Therefore, go, for example, to make-up courses for yourself. Having learned how to correctly emphasize your dignity, you will increasingly want to look in the mirror. Self-esteem will grow and, along with it, interest in life. Men, on the other hand, can change not only the style of clothing, but also make an appointment with a master who will select a stylish haircut.
Pick up activities to your liking, let it be yoga, swimming or martial arts. But sport should be in your life at least twice a week. Thanks to training, you will not only tighten your figure, getting rid of imperfections, but also improve your health. During exercise, the hormone endorphin is produced, which is popularly called the hormone of happiness. Therefore, you will feel better and better every day. And over time, noticing changes in the mirror and admiring glances after you, you will not allow yourself to stop training. Then you will remember degradation as a terrible dream that you once had.
A charge of vivacity will add and proper nutrition. The main thing is to start leading a healthy lifestyle in a complex way. For example, after serious physical exertion, you are unlikely to allow yourself to collapse on the sofa before going to bed with chips, Coca-Cola and other harmful products. Which affect not only health, well-being, but also strongly «hit the figure.»
It is not necessary to completely give up your favorite foods, allow them to yourself as a reward. Only in the morning.
If you feel that the brain is degrading, that is, you are losing the knowledge that you possessed quite recently. Forget the words and try for a long time to remember the events taking place in the past — it’s time to act.
A lot of material on the blog is devoted directly to intellectual development. It is enough to go to the section «The power of thought and the development of the brain.» Let me just remind you that reading will never be superfluous. It is advisable, of course, to choose not just romance novels, but something that will make you think, reflect, and remember. Watch films with an intricate plot that do not allow you to relax, but keep you in suspense until the last minute. Not mysticism and other horror films, but directly psychological thrillers, detective stories and so on.
Folding puzzles provides the development of memory, thinking, promotes long-term concentration. And neutralizes the effects of stress, helping to pause, distract.
Go to any courses, trainings. Have you always wanted to learn how to sew or knit? Master the art of oratory or sing beautifully. Anything you dreamed about but found reasons not to start. Money, time, family, etc. So, it’s time to act. Even if you don’t want to.
Think about what hobby is most close to you and sign up immediately. Learning something new forms new connections in the brain. And that’s exactly what you need. Specify, maybe at work there is an opportunity to go on a business trip to refresher courses. Employers usually welcome the desire of employees to learn new things and move forward.
I recommend you look at these brain development games.
The most difficult type, as it deprives the meaning of life, often provoking thoughts of suicide. If you feel that you have fallen into the clutches of this particular beast, enlist the support of loved ones. It’s hard to cope alone. Since there are violations in the emotional sphere of a person. That is, anxiety, despair, indifference and pain are the most frequent companions. Joy, interest, love, and so on — there are too rare.
Well, restore your sensuality, awareness, increasing emotional intelligence. Return to the sensations, try to notice what is happening to you. Communicate with those people who, in your opinion, are mature and experienced enough, which means they can share thoughts about life and conclusions.
Think about what values you have in this period of time. And do they even exist? If you understand that they have become much less than they were, think about why this happened. At what point did you get frustrated or stop attaching importance to them. If you are not interested in anything in this world, then it is not surprising that you feel degraded.
Restore the ability to listen to your desires by satisfying needs. Start small, recognizing what you want for dinner, lunch, gradually moving on to more complex ones, for example, thinking about the meaning of life or your place in society.
Just in case, check out this article. In it you will find the main signs by which you can determine for sure whether degradation has overtaken you or not. Some of the recommendations are also indicated, which may also be useful to you.
Good luck and accomplishments! And most importantly — never stop in your development, there are so many interesting things in the world that you have not yet discovered for yourself.
The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina