What should every woman know about health?

The “Women’s Health” campaign was launched on October 12th. The publication appeared together with the Rzeczpospolita daily. What every woman should know about health?

The publication opens with a statement by Prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosława Wielgosia – President of the Polish Gynecological Society, on the development of perinatal care in Poland, how it has changed over the past years and what are its greatest challenges for the coming years.

The main topic of the publication is von Willebrand’s disease – what is the laboratory diagnosis and diagnosis of the disease, what is the treatment process and comprehensive patient care? From the gynecological point of view, this topic was taken up by Dr. Marzena Dębska from the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw, and from the haematological aspect by Dr. Ewa Stefańska-Windyga from the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine in Warsaw.

One of the most important topics of the publication is uterine fibroids. We encourage you to read the statement by Justyna Olszewska, who has been fighting uterine fibroids for several years. Additionally, Doc. Sławomir Woźniak from the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin will talk about the possibilities of treating fibroids and what opportunities are offered to patients by access to modern forms of treatment.

The topic of multiple sclerosis, a disease whose pathomechanism is still not fully understood. Therefore, it is still classified as an incurable autoimmune disease. The article explores new components of the disease development, and – which gives hope to patients – new therapeutic perspectives that enrich the effective therapeutic range. The publishing house is looking at it together with Dr. Alicja Kalinowska-Łyszczarz from the Department of Neurochemistry and Neuropathology of the Chair and Clinic of Neurology, Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań.

It is worth paying attention to the interview with prof. dr hab. n. Romuald Dębski from the Bielański Hospital in Warsaw, who talks about how to prevent the consequences of a serological conflict and why intra-pregnancy prophylaxis is so important and in what cases it should be used.

Dr Katarzyna Pogoda from the Warsaw Oncology Center – Institute of Maria Skłodowskie-Curie will introduce us to various forms of treatment used in advanced breast cancer.

We talk to Ms Elżbieta Kozik – the president of the Polish Amazonki Ruch Społeczny organization – about the importance of education and patient support.

Thanks to the invited experts, the publication is to support, educate and encourage discussion on prevention, the need to perform regular examinations, diagnostics and modern treatment methods.

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