With this problem, nutrition is always prescribed by a doctor! While some foods can help you deal with loose stools, others make them worse.
Let’s look at the general principles of diarrhea diet. It is worth remembering that, depending on the reasons, the doctor’s advice may differ.
What you can eat and drink for diarrhea:
boiled white rice (it contains little fiber, has a pronounced “bonding” property);
liquid porridge on water (semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
unsweetened teas, mineral water
oatmeal cookies, crackers (not store-bought!);
vegetable stews, mashed potatoes;
slimy soups with vegetables;
lean fish and lean meat;
If you are dehydrated, your diet for diarrhea should include bananas, which replenish the potassium in the body.
What foods are prohibited by the diet for diarrhea:
fatty, fried meat, liver, kidneys, sausages and sausages;
fatty, smoked, salted, fried fish, canned fish;
any dairy products;
canned vegetables;
rich bakery products;
carbonated drinks.
In each case, it is best to consult with your doctor about what to eat for diarrhea and what to avoid.