What should be the diet after 40 years

Sample breakfast options

  • Scrambled eggs or omelet

  • Whole grain bread sandwich with avocado mousse and poached eggs

  • Cottage cheese and yoghurt with fruits or berries / addition of natural muesli is possible

Sample dinner options

  • Salmon vegetable salad

  • Boiled or baked chicken with tofu

  • Beef stew with legumes

Don’t eliminate fats from your diet

Of course, fats have a lot more calories than proteins and carbohydrates, but it’s worth considering: fats reduce hunger, and their calorie content greatly affects the size of your portions.

At the same time, the benefits of fats should not be underestimated, because fats

  • will tidy up your skin, especially if you have problems with dry skin;

  • solve joint problems;

  • relieve depressed mood;

  • will increase your concentration at work and get you back to work.

Add more fish to your diet – salmon, tuna, fish oil, flaxseed oil, avocado, olive oil.

Try to include healthy fats in every meal or snack.

Looking for the golden mean

Why do we have breakdowns and overeating?

A stressful day, a sad mood, a lonely evening – what is not a reason to order pizza, eat a pack of chips or crackers, or even better – sweet cakes with cream or chocolate.

Metabolism declines with age, making it much more difficult to maintain weight with the same calorie intake as always. Cut back on portion sizes, add more sports, more activities, and get rid of the habit of eating out for everyone.

Try to determine your portion, eat mindfully, chew thoroughly, remembering to track your feelings. Watch for satiety and try to eat without external stimuli: do not eat on the run, in front of the TV, while talking – external factors are very distracting from satiety.

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