what should be on the table in the year of the pig 2019

what should be on the table in the year of the pig 2019

To appease the symbol of the coming year – the Yellow Earth Pig, you need to know what treats are best served for the holiday.

In the pre-New Year’s bustle, you may not have time to think over the festive menu. Therefore, it is better to take care of what to serve on the main night of the year now. If you meet the hostess of 2019 properly, she will be generous with gifts and bring only positive events.

The symbol of the coming year is an omnivorous creature with a good appetite, so the festive table should be varied and satisfying. You can cook both traditional Olivier, herring under a fur coat, and new dishes. The main thing that should not be among the treats is pork and products containing this type of meat. That is, sausages, ham, bacon on the New Year’s table will be inappropriate and may not please the hostess of the year. It is not necessary to cook a lot of hot dishes, but it is better to make more and different snacks, cuts and sandwiches.

The pig will appreciate it if served with fresh vegetables and herbs. And the more there are on the table, the better. Porridge, although not a festive treat, but if you put a little cooked cereal (better than wheat or millet) on the table, the year will turn out well, and good changes in life will certainly occur. Also, do not forget to generously cut bread and other baked goods to the table. Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions – from these vegetables, which the Pig loves so much, you can cook many different dishes, and they are inexpensive.

Although it is customary to think that the symbol of the coming year is an animal that is unpretentious to living conditions, you need to put your apartment and house in order on the eve of New Year’s Eve and take care of the decoration. The same applies to the festive table. Unleash your imagination, decorate each dish with herbs, creatively chopped vegetables and fruits. Buy a beautiful tablecloth and think about how you can decorate wine glasses, bottles, plates. The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, therefore, in the decoration of the table, you can give preference to yellow and its shades.

There must be dessert on the festive table. Put in plenty of fruit, or better prepare something for your own sweet. This can be a cake that you bake according to your grandma’s or mom’s recipe, your favorite cookies or cakes. Of course, you can buy sweets in the store, but the symbol of the coming year will be especially generous to those housewives who will prepare a dessert with their own hands and decorate it with nuts, berries, and fruits.

Whatever table you prepare for the holiday, the main thing is to celebrate the New Year in a good mood, in the circle of loved ones and loved ones.

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