What should be in the school lunch box? – Dietetics – Articles |

Staying at school is a real challenge for a child. A few hours in the school desk, physical education lessons, and additionally school breaks where so much is going on. It takes a lot of energy for that. Where should the child get it from? This is what parents should take care of. It is they who must provide your kids a wholesome breakfast before school and a meal that they will be able to take it with them. Unfortunately, it often happens that by the morning rush the breakfast doesn’t look like it should. What’s worse many children leave for school completely ignoring them

Energy and vitamins must be supplied before going to school.

If your child fails to deliver in the morning and at an appropriate school the amount of energy as well as vitamins and minerals is maintaining concentration in lessons it will be practically impossible. Such a baby will be sleepy and bored and, consequently, will have learning difficulties. Additionally, it will reduce immunity and susceptibility to disease increase.

“Get yourself something in shop “

Nowadays, everyone is busy and in the morning instead of preparing a meal for school, there is only time to give the child a few zlotys. But it’s hard from expect him to buy something other than a Coke and a packet of chips. Well, maybe in a bun at best. Anyway, there is nothing to be surprised. In many school convenience stores include sweet drinks, chewing gums, crisps, jelly beans, candy bars and casseroles only choice. There is no point in looking for fruit, sandwiches or milkshakes there.

In recent years, it has increased significantly among children and adolescents consumption of energy drinks. Parents trust advertising, and they are convinced that they will help the child to focus on the lessons. This is a big mistake. These drinks are probably the worst possible choice. Not only are they a source of sugar and simple way lead to excess weight, they can still result in sleep problems, and even lead to heart problems.

Perfect breakfast

A synonym for the perfect meal for a child is a meal various. Of course, you do not need to calculate the caloric content of your child every day think about balancing breakfast. It is enough that it will contain a source of complex carbohydrates, a fruit and a serving of vegetables. It is with vegetables that the biggest problem is. Rarely which child eats them as much as it should.

Parents should educate their children about proper eating habits from an early age.

The easiest solution is sandwiches. Bread, butter, a piece of lean sausage or cheese, lettuce, radish and a wholesome second breakfast is ready. The problem is that kids get bored of sandwiches. Therefore, to ate it with relish they must look nice. Colorful, with various shapes they will encourage even the biggest fussy eaters.

Alternatives to sandwiches can be pancakes, toast or od occasionally oatmeal cookies. There should not be enough space in the breakfast room for fruit – a few balls of grapes, an apple or a banana will be just right. Fruit dried and nuts are also a nice choice. As for vegetables, during a child’s break the easiest way is to munch on peeled and chopped carrots or kohlrabi. Whereas older children can take a tightly packed salad or salad with them.

What parents forget most often are the fluids. The average requirement of an 8-year-old child is 1,75 liters per day. It absolutely should so take even a small bottle of mineral water with you to school. Instead of her it can be tea, fruit juice or drinking yoghurt.

I wonder if you still remember what yours looked like school breakfasts. Share it in the comments.

Main photo: anotherlunch.com / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Photo 1 in text: Denna Jones / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Photo 2 in text: anotherlunch.com / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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