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Viagra (sildenafil) is the general name for a drug that treats erection problems in men. The preparation, taken early enough, has a positive effect on maintaining an erection, contributing to the achievement of sexual satisfaction among men in whom this ability has been reduced, e.g. due to age.

As Adam Mickiewicz wrote, “The male age, the age of defeat”. The saying goes that middle age is one in which a broad mind and a narrow waist change places. It can be said with high probability that our partners approaching fifty are not as handsome, slim and athletic as a dozen or so years ago. They are not as fit or as practiced to remember dates and details. And for sure – just like every woman – they do not accept the changes in their body progressing with age (even if they do not admit it out loud). On the other hand, when changes in appearance, slouching posture, and first health problems are accompanied by problems with erection (“A drawbridge leads from husband to wife” – as Jan Izydor Sztaudynger wrote), then – believe me – the feeling of masculinity wavers at the very basics. Most of the women do not even suspect what a blow this is to a man or do not even realize where the crux of the problem lies. Erection problems should be consulted with a sexologist as soon as possible. Online appointment of contracts conveniently via the portal

Viagra for “plumbing trouble”

Studies by sexologists show that the mental block in a man struggling with erection problems corresponds to the psychological problems of women after surgery to remove the uterus. Both sexes – equally – are afraid of losing their attractiveness in the eyes of their partner. So if we notice that our man prepares a report or report for work every evening, sticks his nose in a book or runs to the gym for intense training (although he has not tipped his nose out of the house so far) or finally constantly complains about the daily headache, we can suspect that he has a problem he refuses to admit – not to us, often to himself, let alone the doctors.

Meanwhile, problems with erection, resulting from the natural decrease in testosterone levels, await sooner or later everyone, even a healthy man, just as in women, a decrease in the level of estrogen gives unpleasant symptoms of menopause. The only question that remains is whether erectile dysfunction does not occur too early (the cause of the problems may then be disease) and what can be done to bring the situation under control before it gets out of control irreversibly.

Now a handful of specific tips. We should definitely register the fact of helplessness and console our partner immediately, saying that “the problem is definitely temporary.” Talk to him about the need to lead a less stressful lifestyle, and then to see your urologist. On the other hand, you must not suggest to your partner that he is useless, that he cannot satisfy us. Therefore, we can neither pay too much attention to the problem, nor, on the other hand, underestimate the partner’s indisposition.

We should also remember that in the male psyche, the words “indisposition” and “impotence” do not differ significantly in meaning from the words “impotence”. And the awareness of being impotent causes such a strong mental block that the return of technical efficiency does not occur even if the causes of a medical nature are eliminated.

If you want to support an erection, you can reach for one of the sex gadgets available on Medonet Market:

  1. Maximize Ring – Marc Dorcel’s flexible penis ring,
  2. Adjust Ring – Marc Dorcel adjustable circuit ring,
  3. Erection lasso – JBoa model 304.

The worst of humiliation …

Once the truth that our partner has erection problems comes to light, let’s first of all try to make him aware that the cause should be found, and not just treated the symptoms. In such a situation, most men do everything to eliminate their indisposition as quickly as possible, in accordance with the adage: “The worst humiliation when the root breaks down” (also Sztaudynger), and not to search for the reasons for this state of affairs.

So if it happens that, when segregating laundry, we find a package of Viagra or some equivalent in the pocket of our man’s pants, let’s not do a “tragedy in one act”, but talk to our partner about the reasons for taking the drug, as well as about the reasons for the indisposition itself. Let us have a specific, considerate conversation, but avoid the suggestion that the partner has developed problems through his own fault. This way, we won’t make him feel guilty or annoy him, but only show willingness to help.

It is best to start with the fact that we have noticed health problems. That his headaches may be caused by high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which weakens the blood supply not only to the brain and heart, but also to the penis. When our partner has been diagnosed with diabetes by our partner’s doctors, he may also have technical problems with having sex. Similarly, in the case of other hormonal disorders, such as testosterone deficiency, the partner will experience erection problems, which will also manifest itself in less frequent shaving of the facial hair, the growth rate of which depends on the level of testosterone in the blood. If a man is addicted to smoking pipes or cigarettes for years, he may at some point be unpleasantly surprised in the bedroom, because the toxins contained in tobacco smoke not only defragment 30% of sperm, thus lowering fertility, but also accelerating the development of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which leads to to the development of impotence. In Poland, this thorny problem concerns 115. nicotine lovers aged 30-49.

We also need to make our partner aware that taking Viagra only removes the symptoms of the disease, not the causes. And most importantly: do not react emotionally, reproaching that if he bought Viagra, he certainly betrays or intends to do so. Research by sexologists showed that women whose partners had erection problems also often felt disappointed and humiliated because they thought that they were no longer attractive enough for their partner to want to have sex with them without pharmacological support. So if we approach the husband’s problem with sensitivity and ensure that we still love him very much, and all these problems can somehow be dealt with together, we will certainly overcome this problem, difficult for both partners.

But what should we do when our partner is healthy, and still takes Viagra to increase the power of sensations in the bedroom or to demonstrate to us and ourselves that we are superman and macho?

The first thought that comes to mind then is that also then he needs professional advice, perhaps more of a psychologist than a doctor. Certainly, he should also be made aware of the side effects of taking Viagra (which drug does not have them?) And the symptoms of overdose, which indicate that the preparation should not be used by a healthy man as a so-called sexual safety rope.

An injection of O! Shot with platelet-rich plasma may help a couple achieve sexual satisfaction. An injection can restore your sexual satisfaction and improve your sex life.

How does sildenafil work?

Someone has said jokingly that an erection is a little bit of chemistry plus a simple hydraulic reaction. Without going into anatomical and biochemical details, you need to know that the penis consists of three hollow tubes, which suddenly fill with blood when excited, and then the penis hardens and rises upwards. With erectile dysfunction, the amount of blood flowing into the erectile dysfunction is insufficient for an erection to develop. This is precisely the situation that is prevented by taking the correct medication. Viagra causes the blood vessels to relax and the blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis to increase, allowing you to achieve and maintain an erection long enough for you to have sex. It may not be a complicated mechanism, but it works flawlessly for most men for many years.

The active substance in Viagra is sildenafil. In the usual doses, its effect appears within an hour of taking the tablet. Remember, however, that a necessary condition is that there is any sexual arousal. Without this factor, nothing will happen after taking the pill!

However, there are times when Viagra cannot help or stops working. Sildenafil is only effective in men with erectile dysfunction of a psychological or neurological nature, and it will not help people who have erection difficulties due to low blood pressure or atrophy of the penis.

You should also know that as a result of long-term use of the drug, the man’s body gets used to high levels of biochemical substances that are affected by sildenafil. Viagra stops working then or requires you to take increasingly larger doses. This in turn leads to overdosing, resulting in secondary impotence, and the circle is closed. Often the initial symptom of an overdose is an erection that is mistakenly considered to be a beneficial effect, and an erection lasting up to 6 hours (so-called priapism) is impossible to get rid of, despite having had several intercourse in a row.

Another unfavorable symptom that may occur in our partner as a result of an overdose is a visual disturbance consisting in perceiving everything in a blue color or the occurrence of several hours of blindness. These phenomena are due to the fact that Viagra blocks an enzyme that is involved in the process of transmitting nerve impulses from the eye to the brain (rhodoposinase). In the United States, 38 cases of vision loss have been reported by people who use Viagra.

Common side effects which do not necessarily mean that you will need to stop Viagra treatment immediately are headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a feeling of heat around your face and a feeling of fullness in your nose.

Viagra isn’t for everyone

Our partner must never take Viagra if he or she suffers from any of the following conditions:

• ischemic heart disease (coronary artery disease),

• low and high blood pressure,

• severe liver and kidney damage,

• stomach ulcers,

• eye disease – retinitis pigmentosa (a type of retinal degeneration),

• a history of stroke or myocardial infarction,

• allergic to sildenafil.

Why is Viagra not allowed to be used in these diseases? Since sildenafil is not a selective drug and blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase in all smooth muscles (including the heart), men with cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension and a tendency to heart attacks may experience serious complications, including myocardial infarction and death. A 2001 study in Los Angeles found that out of 1473 cases of serious side effects in people taking Viagra, 522 deaths were due to cardiovascular failure.

Viagra can be used with caution and only under the supervision of a physician. in diseases which themselves are prone to prolonged erections, i.e. priapism: sickle cell anemia and multiple myeloma.

Viagra – interactions with other medications and food

Viagra must not be used by men who are taking “nitrates” drugs (such as nitroglycerin), usually used to treat angina and heart attack. One study in this direction confirmed the increased risk of combining Viagra and nitrates (of the 90 subjects who took nitrates and Viagra, the mortality rate was 68%). It is also not recommended to combine sildenafil with ritonavir, an antiviral medicine used to treat HIV.

If our partner is not subject to contraindications and can take Viagra, it is worth advising him not to take the tablets with grapefruit juice, as this increases the concentration of the drug in the serum. Drinking alcohol can also temporarily impair your ability to achieve an erection, so drinking large amounts of drinks before taking Viagra is not recommended. Also, eating fatty foods, e.g. French fries, hamburgers, may interfere with the drug’s effect. With these considerations in mind, however, Viagra can be taken both at the beginning of a meal, and at the end of it.

False elation

Viagra and its counterparts are the most counterfeit medicines on the market. Therefore, if a man decides to buy a drug from this group, for his own safety, he should do it in a pharmacy, and not in a sex shop, bazaar or online drugstore.

Counterfeit Viagra pills come in two forms: one differs from the real one only in color (it has a slightly lighter shade of blue), the other (advertised as Viagra for diabetics) is pink and has the words “power love” on one side. The manufacturer of the original Viagra, Pfizer, and Microsoft even collaborated to prosecute dealers offering to buy counterfeit products online. As a result of their actions, two companies were sued: Canadian Pharmacy ( and E-Pharmacy Direct (, which most often flooded their e-mail boxes with advertisements for Viagra counterfeit products.

Meanwhile, studies of samples seized on the Internet have shown that the most common are blue dyed polopyrin tablets or cement tablets in the shape and color of the original product, but not containing any active substance at all. In some cases, it also happened that counterfeit products contained the active substance sildenafil, but in a dose of only 40% of the nominal value stated on the packaging.

One of the regional newspapers recently reported that a patient who bought a blue pill at a bazaar in Krakow lost consciousness after taking it and did not have time to take advantage of the drug’s effects.

Sildenafil and generics, equivalents and herbal preparations

In addition to the original sildenafil, introduced to the drug market in 1998, now, after the expiry of the 10-year patent protection, three more preparations from the group of drugs used in erectile dysfunction are officially available for sale:

• Maxigra (Polish Viagra generic containing sildenafil),

• Cialis (containing tadalafil),

• Levitra (containing vardenafil).

In addition to prescription drugs, pharmacies sell herbal preparations that support sexual performance. They are an alternative solution for dealing with cases of mild and moderate erectile dysfunction. These are, for example, Libidoforte, Falumax, and Promen.

On the other hand, in online mail order sales there are generics that do not have Polish registration. One of them is Indian Kamagra containing sildenafil. An interesting fact is the new pharmaceutical forms of Kamagra, which, in addition to tablets, are also available in sachets in the form of an oral gel with banana, mint and peach flavors (Kamagra Oral Jelly), and in the form of chewing gum. Since the gel is absorbed much faster than a tablet, therefore – as the manufacturer assures – it is possible to start sexual activity just 15 minutes after consuming, for example, a banana gel. And chewing gum works even faster.

Another generic replacement for Cialis is Tadalis from the Indian company Ajanta Pharma. Its effect is said to last up to 48 hours, which is why it has already earned the title of a “weekend tablet” on the Internet. However, since this preparation has not been registered in Poland, we strongly advise against purchasing these generics by mail order!

On the Internet you can find on various forums entries of patients who contracted headaches and spine aches and rashes that were difficult to heal after mail-order preparations. However, manufacturers of this group of drugs believe that there are more and more people willing to buy them, so it is worth registering new forms of the drug in order to get as many customers as possible from the estimated sales pool (only in Poland) at PLN 60 million.

An interesting fact is that none of the aforementioned preparations registered in Poland was ever included on the ministerial list of reimbursed drugs. However, in Israel, Finland, Great Britain and Ireland, Viagra is reimbursed for patients suffering from impotence due to irreversible chronic diseases (diabetes, accidental spinal cord injuries, men after prostate removal). The English NHS (the equivalent of the National Health Fund) spends £ 58 million a year reimbursing Viagra, for 17 million prescriptions.

Sildenafil for ladies?

In the online mail order offer of the aforementioned Ajanta Pharma company, you can also find a “female version” of Viagra in tablets under the name Lovegra. It accelerates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which – according to the manufacturer’s information – allows a woman to achieve a deeper and stronger orgasm, and also allows a large group of women to experience several orgasms in a row.

An interesting publication on the still unregistered use of Viagra in women was published in the American journal “Journal of the American Medical Association”. There we read that a group of 100 women aged 18-50 was experimented with administering Viagra for 2 months, one hour before the expected sexual activity. Each of the women invited to the study had a diagnosis of sexual dysfunction ranging from not arousal to orgasm difficulties before the start of the experiment, and all women were also treated for depression. It turned out that as many as 75% of women after using Viagra, saw a significant improvement in their sex life, especially in terms of the ease of reaching orgasm.

Unfortunately, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, which is why side effects have also been reported in this treatment: headaches, heat waves and nasal congestion. So if you find Viagra in your husband’s pants, until the pre-registration tests are completed, we do not advise you to “snack” on the tablets.

New Perspectives

An interesting discovery of new properties of Viagra was made by four winners of the controversial Ig Nobel Prize (in English pronounced “ignoble”, meaning unworthy), who administered this drug to hamsters and proved that these rodents, thanks to the action of sildenafil, can cope better with changes in time zones (for example in time of air travel).

Experiences of “anti-nobel prizes” were confirmed by scientists from Buenos Aires who noticed a reduction in the symptoms of jet lag (a disease related to crossing time zones while traveling by air) in rats and reported the beneficial effect of Viagra on regulating the biological clock of these animals. The authors of a study published in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” suspect that sildenafil accelerates the biological clock, which could be used when traveling eastwards, eg from America to Europe.

Other research teams have found that Viagra improves the oxygen supply of the brain’s blood vessels and therefore improves the combat performance of Israeli military pilots, as well as helping mountaineers to function at high altitudes.

You have a problem, but are you ashamed to ask? See the advice of a sexologist!

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