What should a six-month-old baby eat? Helpful Tips for Parents
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Much has been written about the properties of breast milk and the benefits of breastfeeding. No wonder – breast milk is the best food a woman can give her baby. It happens, however, that for justified reasons – often despite great efforts and many attempts – exclusive breastfeeding in the second half of the baby’s life turns out to be impossible. What should parents do in this situation? What to give your child? And how to take care of the right baby’s menu? Mariola Darzycka, an expert at BebiKlub.pl, suggests.

Natural good for the baby – mother’s milk

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend only breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. After this period, the baby should gradually introduce complementary foods into the diet, while continuing to breastfeed the baby – even up to the age of 2 or longer. Why is it so important? After a baby is born, his digestive system continues to develop and only becomes more experienced in fulfilling its tasks, so in the first months a small tummy is not able to cope with every food yet. However, it will cope well with mum’s milk, which in the first half of its life is optimal food for him, satisfying almost all nutritional needs of a young organism. During this time, parents should remember to consult a pediatrician who, among others, will advise on how to supplement the infant with vitamin D, which mother’s milk is unable to provide in sufficient amounts.

Remember! For the first 6 months of a child’s life, pediatricians recommend 400-600 IU of vitamin D per day (depending on the infant’s body weight and the amount of vitamin D ingested), and between the 6th and 12th month – 600-1000 IU per day. September to April1.

The rest of the article under the video.

If we do not have breast milk, what should be given to the baby?

In the first months of motherhood, the mother, taking care of her baby (also with the help of her partner and closest family members), gradually discovers her natural instinct, which tells her how to properly care for and nurture the baby, e.g. when it is worth checking the nappy and when to hug your baby. During this time, mother also has a chance to touch nature in a special way, e.g. by breastfeeding. However, this way of feeding is not always possible. Mothers who, for justified reasons, cannot give their baby their milk in the second half of their life, should include the next milk in their baby’s diet, intended for infants after 6 months of age. Such a product, selected after consultation with the child’s doctor, will support the proper development of the baby, including the maturation of its digestive system, because the baby’s happiness begins with the belly.

In order to choose the right next milk that will meet the toddler’s needs, it is worth for parents to prepare for a consultation with a doctor, answering, among others, to the following questions:

  1. Why can’t mom breastfeed? Many problems with feeding your baby with their own food can be overcome – your doctor can advise you on how.
  2. Is mom unable to continue breastfeeding for legitimate reasons? Or maybe the baby needs feeding? If the baby receives even small amounts of mum’s milk, the doctor will advise how and in what amounts to include the next milk in the diet.
  3. How many months is a toddler? Babies and toddlers need a product that is appropriate for their age. The next milk with the number “2” is intended for toddlers over 6 months of age, and the modified milk with the number “3” is suitable for children over 12 months of age.
  4. Does the infant have chronic abdominal problems such as colic or constipation? If your doctor observes or discovers any digestive problems, it may be necessary to give your child a special product to soothe the discomfort.
  5. Do siblings or parents have a known allergy? Allergy may be genetically determined – if one of the parents or siblings is diagnosed with an allergy, the possibility of developing it in an infant is 20% -40% 2.

What else to pay attention to when choosing the next milk?

When choosing the next milk for a child, parents – in addition to the pediatrician’s recommendation – should pay attention to its composition, i.e. the content of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Why? Because, for example, vitamins A, C and D are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, and iron and iodine support proper cognitive development. Important features of the next milk are also the lack of preservatives and dyes.

Important information

Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and cheapest way of feeding infants and is recommended for young children along with a varied diet. Mother’s milk contains the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby and protects it against diseases and infections. Breastfeeding gives the best results when the mother is properly nourished during pregnancy and lactation, and when there is no unjustified feeding of the baby. Before deciding to change the feeding method, the mother should consult her doctor.


  1. Mikulska A., Szajewska H., Horvath A., Rachtan-Janicka J., Guide to breastfeeding according to the recommendations of the Polish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Children, PZWL Medical Publishing, Warsaw 2016.
  2. https://www.bebiklub.pl/dolegliwosci-trawienne/alergia-pokarmowa-u-niemowlat

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