What should a professional stylist be able to do?

What should a professional stylist be able to do?

Force majeure is a faithful companion in the life of celebrities. Hardened by eternal haste and overlays, they show wonders of ingenuity. And in emergency situations, they find unexpected applications for familiar beauty products.

Kate Hudson

History. Kate recalls this incident with a smile, although at that moment she was not laughing: “Recently I presented a new film in Europe. In four days I had to visit six countries. On the road, I always take the most important thing – my stylist David Babai. When we arrived in London, it turned out that his luggage with packing materials was stuck at customs. And the presentation is in two hours! In the end, David did my styling using a hairdryer and … my spray deodorant… The styling turned out to be luxurious! Since then we have tried to reproduce it more than once, but we have not been able to … ”

ELLE opinion. Due to its composition, the deodorant can slightly fix the hair. But only if there is nothing at all at hand, and you have the talents of David Babai …

Sienna Miller

History. The actress once said that her thighs, due to cellulite, resemble a “bag of popcorn.”

Many did not believe it. But while working on the film Factory Girl, Sienna proved that she has mild cellulite.

On the set of a candid scene, she refused a stunt double and got naked. To make the picture perfect, makeup artists put foundation on her thighs.

Miller later admitted that sometimes actresses are coated with tone almost from head to toe to make their skin visually smooth and even.

ELLE opinion. A risky recipe! The only advice is to choose long-lasting products. And don’t be surprised if they wear off quickly.

Christina Applegate

History. Top stylist Nick Paves is a favorite of the stars. His fantasy knows no bounds, as the actress Christine Applegate was once convinced. Engaged in several projects, the diva did not have time to lighten the hair roots on the eve of the Hollywood ceremony. Arriving just before her start to Nick, Christina panicked. But Paves was not taken aback and, having made Applegate styling, disguised the dark roots with golden shadows. He applied them with a brush, carefully processing every millimeter. Christina was great. However, since then, she dyes her hair on time – in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

ELLE opinion. The recipe is avant-garde, but effective. The main thing is to pre-treat the hair with gel so that dry shadows do not crumble with the first breath of the breeze. Otherwise, all the creativity is down the drain.

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