What severe NOPs are most common after the COVID-19 vaccine? [WE CHECK]
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After receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as with any other vaccine, you may experience adverse vaccine reactions such as NOPs. Usually these symptoms are mild, but there are also serious and severe ones. Which of the latter are most often noted in the case of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneki and Johnson & Johnson preparations?

  1. Until August 29, a total of 14 thousand. 781 adverse reactions with anti-COVID-19 preparations. At the same time, up to that date, 36 million 194 thousand. 405 vaccinations
  2. The report published by the National Institute of Public Health shows that 84,9 percent. of all NOPs were mild. Serious reactions accounted for 11,6% and severe reactions 3,4%. in general
  3. The highest number of heavy NOPs was recorded after the Pfizer preparation, but this is due to the fact that most people are vaccinated with it in Poland
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The most common severe NOPs after Pfizer. What are these ailments?

Based on the report provided by the NIPH-PZH, it can be stated what ailments were noted after the administration of individual preparations against COVID-19. In the case of Pfizer, there were 29 heavy NOPs by August 253.

Among them, the most common diseases occurring after vaccination against the coronavirus were: stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic), myocarditis and / or pericarditis, and anaphylactic shock. The report found that there were 23 strokes after the Pfizer vaccine in total. They involved 12 women (three of whom died) and 11 men (also three deaths).

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Myocarditis and pericarditis are severe NOPs that can occur after mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderny). The European Medicines Agency considered them to be a very rare side effect after taking these medicines. The report shows that so far the disease has been found in 10 vaccinated people. They were only men.

After vaccination with Pfizer, anaphylactic shocks, i.e. severe allergic reactions to the preparation against COVID-19, also occurred. Until August 29, there were 54 such cases (more often women than men: 33 compared to 21).

The most common heavy NOPs after Moderna

The NIPH-NIH report states that only 23 severe adverse reactions have been reported so far after the Moderna vaccine. The most common diseases were myocarditis and / or pericarditis, which in July were added by EMA to the list of very rare side effects of mRNA preparations.

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In the case of Moderna, there have been four such events so far and they only concerned young men, aged 18 to 38 years.

The most common heavy NOPs after AstraZeneka

So far, 86 severe NOPs have been reported following AstraZeneki vaccines. In April, the European Medicines Agency confirmed that there was a link between this medicine and very rare cases of thrombosis. Indeed, it is thrombosis that is the most common serious undesirable reaction in people who have been vaccinated with this vector preparation.

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Up to August 29, a total of 33 cases of thrombosis had been reported. In addition, embolism and thrombus were also found. As for the thrombosis itself, it was more common in women – 21 (including one death) compared to 12. One case resulted in the death of the vaccinated person (woman).

The most common heavy NOPs after Johnson & Johnson

After the Johnson & Johnson vector preparation, until August 29, a total of 21 severe adverse vaccine reactions were found. As in the case of AstraZeneka, also after Johnson & Johnson, according to the EMA, there may be thrombosis.

According to the NIPH-NIH report, the most common severe post-vaccination reaction in people who have taken Johnson & Johnson has so far been anaphylactic shock, experienced by eight patients. Thrombosis was the second most common severe event after vaccination. It was reported in four people (two men and two women).

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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