What sequence of exercises? Kario at the beginning of the training or at the end? |

What should be the sequence of exercises in training? This question is asked by a large group of systematically exercising people who arrange their own workouts. And rightly so, because the sequence of exercises has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the training sessions. When do we burn body fat? When do you exercise cardio? Do cardio before weight training? First, strength training or cardio?

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In this article you will learn, among others:

  • What sequence of exercises?
  • What are the types of exercise?
  • When do we burn body fat?
  • Where does energy come from?
  • First cardio, then strength exercises?

What sequence of exercises?

The vast majority of systematically exercising people arrange their trainings on their own. However, it is worth remembering that their effectiveness is determined by meeting numerous criteria. One of them is the correct sequence of exercises in training. If the training consists of endurance exercises (cardio) and strength modeling / strength exercises, which of them should be done first?

What are the types of exercise?

There are two basic types of exercise – namely modeling / strength exercises and cardio exercises. Of course, these are not the only types of exercises that appear in training. After all, stretching exercises and shaping exercises in the warm-up are an inseparable element of any properly performed training. It is worth emphasizing, however, that it is the endurance exercises, as well as modeling / strength exercises that carry out the main tasks set before each training session supporting the process of weight reduction. Modeling / strength exercises mainly affect the muscles involved in performing a given exercise. In turn, endurance training primarily affects the circulatory and respiratory systems. In addition, a side effect of their exercise is the reduction of body fat.

Where does energy come from?

The human body needs energy to function properly. It is produced by ‘burning’ energy substrates. These include primarily phosphocreatine, carbohydrates, fats and, in extreme cases, proteins (amino acids). It is worth remembering, however, that which of the above-mentioned energy substrates will be used primarily depends on the type, intensity and duration of a given exercise. Fats are distinguished above all by the fact that they are burnt only under aerobic conditions. The remaining energy substrates are used both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

When do we burn body fat?

The oxidation of fats takes place under aerobic conditions. It is a state of the organism in which its demand for this element is fully met. Such conditions are ensured by endurance training (cardio) performed at moderate intensity. However, it is worth remembering that fats are not immediately the main source of energy. For the first 20-25 minutes of a cardio exercise, the energy for the working muscles is obtained primarily from the ‘burning’ of carbohydrates. Therefore, if your primary training goal is to oxidize unnecessary fat, then you should perform moderate-intensity cardio exercises lasting more than 20-25 minutes.

First cardio, then strength?

If the proper part of the training includes both modeling / strength exercises and endurance (cardio) exercises, then the former should be performed first. This is due to the fact that the implementation of cardio exercise before modeling / strength exercises may lead to the depletion of the body’s carbohydrate reserves, and they are the basic source of energy for muscles working during modeling / strength exercises. As a result, the modeling / strength exercises performed after the endurance exercise are less effective. In addition, doing shaping / strength exercises prior to cardio reduces the amount of carbohydrate in your body. As a result, during cardio exercise, most of the energy produced is generated by the oxidation of fats in less than 20-25 minutes.

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What sequence of exercises do you follow? Do you always train cardio and strength? How does your training look like? Tell us in the comments!

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Damian Yefremienko Coach

Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies

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