What semolina is made of and why is it better for adults not to eat it?

Once the healthiest porridge for babies, it is now considered hazardous to health. Wday.ru found out what kind of porridge is worth eating then.

It was in childhood that my mother fed us with porridge, saying: “Eat, you will grow up big,” and in our plate buckwheat, semolina and rice alternated …

And we smeared porridge on a plate, hoping to get a sweet. But, as it turned out, perhaps, and not in vain. In recent years, semolina has been criticized not only by nutritionists, but also by scientists.

So let’s start in order. What is the good old semolina made of? In fact, this is the same wheat groats, characterized by a higher purification and degree of grinding. In the process of grinding wheat, about 2% of the waste remains … These grains are sifted out and sold as semolina.

And its benefits are undeniable – cereals contain proteins, vitamin E, minerals, as well as potassium and vitamin E. Suitable for patients with digestive disorders, thanks to its enveloping effect, it relieves spasms in case of ulcers and gastritis. And now about the bad!

– I cannot call it harmful, rather, you just need to be careful with semolina, – nutritionist Angelina Artipova shares with Wday.ru. – There is nothing wrong with one plate of semolina porridge, on the contrary, it will serve as a nutritious breakfast. Another question is that it is semolina porridge that contains a large amount of gluten vegetable protein and, as a result, is highly allergenic. But if there is no allergy, then you should not be afraid of it. But again, the body needs variety, and each cereal contains its own nutrients. And the choice of cereals is now so huge that, if you have imagination, they also make excellent low-calorie desserts.

Therefore, we remembered five new cereals that have flashed on the shelves lately.


Bulgur is loved for its nutty flavor … But few people know that, in fact, the garnish has nothing to do with nuts. Bulgur is nothing more than pre-boiled wheat grains, freed from some of the bran, dried and crushed.

It is with bulgur that the trendy Lebanese dish tabouleh is prepared; it can also replace rice in minced meat, use it instead of legumes, and even in some traditional rice desserts. A nice bonus – you don’t need to wash bulgur either before or after cooking.


We introduced quinoa into our diet relatively recently, but in fact, quinoa was considered one of the most important foods among the ancient Indians. The main distinguishing feature of quinoa is that it accepts the taste of the food with which it is prepared. And in terms of the amount of protein content, it can only be compared with milk.


Unknowingly, couscous can easily be confused with rice. Only the diameter of these grains is not more than 1 mm. It is accepted to serve it both hot and cold. It is used to prepare various salads, and can also be thrown into soup … As for production, couscous is nothing more than processed coarsely ground durum wheat, sometimes from barley or waxy wheat, completely cleared of shells and germs.


You will not find such a combination as “flaxseed” anywhere, if only because flax seeds are used for cooking. For a long time this primordially Russian product was forgotten, but now almost every store has a set for making porridge from flax: often it will be mixes with wheat, or pumpkin, or sesame seeds.


Another fashionable name that is increasingly seen on store shelves. They are actually green little beans from India. In Indian cuisine, mung bean is better known as dal or dhal. In some countries of the East, mung is also called urid or urad.

If you met him, then do not ignore. Regular use of this cereal strengthens the heart, makes blood vessels more elastic, lowers blood pressure, cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Phosphorus is also valuable, which is also abundant in this cereal.

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