
“The new standard deprives our children of a future!” «How can 15-year-olds be trusted with responsibility for choosing subjects?..» The draft state educational standard worries many parents. Doctor of Psychology Alexander Asmolov supports this project.

“The new standard deprives our children of a future!” “How can 15-year-olds be trusted with the responsibility for choosing subjects?..” The draft state educational standard* worries many parents. Doctor of Psychology Alexander Asmolov supports this project. In his opinion, the panic is due to our fear of freedom of choice.

Psychologies: Why is it so scary to choose?

A. A .: We are always afraid of uncertainty, a situation where we ourselves must make a decision, and then be responsible for our choice, the consequences of which we cannot assess. Technology is changing the world so rapidly that neither teachers nor parents can predict what knowledge our children will need in three to five years. That is why a school that teaches children to make decisions is relevant today, and does not offer answers to all questions.

At what age can a child make decisions on his own?

A. A .: From an early age, children have the right to choose. But still, they learn to be fully responsible for their actions in adolescence. Of course, a teenager compares his decisions with the opinions of adults and peers who are authoritative for him. Yet «selection training» makes him more competent and confident. More stable in critical stressful situations compared to those teenagers for whom other people make decisions. The new standard of education just provides for such training for all students.

* The text of the draft Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary (Complete) General Education can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

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