Numerous success stories, motivational trainings, business secrets from famous millionaires… But if getting rich is so easy, why do so many people continue to live paycheck to paycheck? We found seven reasons that prevent financial well-being.
Entrepreneur Fraser Doherty began making jam at the age of 14 according to his grandfather’s recipe, and by the age of 19 he already had a fortune of $ 1,9 million. Businesswoman Ashley Qualls launched the site at the age of 14, and soon they wanted to buy it for $1,2 million. Even before graduation, future millionaire Cameron Johnson was earning $350 from his greeting card company.
They managed to succeed. But what are we? What erroneous attitudes prevent us from getting rich and becoming successful?
1. Lack of faith in yourself and your ideas
Almost all people who were able to make a decent fortune have one thing in common — they believed not only in themselves, but also in their ideas. Most of the time they are supported by their families. If you believe in yourself, in your ideas and can easily imagine yourself getting rich, then this is already half the work. If you have a lot of ideas, but for some reason you are afraid to implement them, then an experienced mentor can help you.
2. Fear of failure
Some people don’t take risks simply because they’re afraid of failure. They may have ideas that will never come to fruition for fear that nothing will work out. Uncertainty follows them from childhood, it is she who prevents the realization of ideas. There is another problem: such people, most likely, will not go to a psychologist or a friend for help — because of the same fear that nothing will come of it. Learning to overcome oneself and take the first, albeit small, step forward is difficult, but necessary.
3. Fear of success
Sometimes the cause of stagnation is not only the fear of failure, but also the fear of success. Perhaps those who are afraid have an older brother who, as a child, envied any success and offended the younger ones every time they tried to attract attention to themselves. And now they prefer not to stick out. Such fears are most often unconscious, so a person does not fight with them — he does not even suspect about them.
4. Bad habit
Living paycheck to paycheck has become a habit. This is how our parents and grandparents lived. As an outsider team, we are used to losing. The first step towards solving this problem is to realize that we are used to thinking of ourselves as an eternal loser. It is very difficult. But the next step is even more difficult: you have to try to get rid of this feeling.
5. Ignorance
Don’t be lazy. Get educated, study. Read biographies of successful people, study their methods of work, study markets, finance, economics. Experiment with some of your own money. Try different moves and schemes. And regardless of the results of the first attempts, remain optimistic.
6. Attitude towards money
Many people think that money is the source of evil. This is not true. Money cannot be the source of anything, because it is just money. What they will be for you, you determine. Money is a resource.
7. The belief that money can’t buy happiness
So they say. And it is true. But money can make it so that you have to think about far fewer problems. You will no longer have to save money for studies or think with horror that the rent has risen in price. You will be able to devote more time to the development of your ideas, your family and yourself.
About the author: Gerald Schonwolf — Psychologist