What’s in the stool? A simple study reveals a lot about you

Stool examination, just like urine examination or morphology, is one of the basic elements of health diagnostics. Although it is worth doing them regularly, we often forget about it. However, this is not a good approach, as a stool examination can detect various types of parasites or stomach ulcers. So when should they be done? What does fecal occult blood mean?

  1. Stool examination is the basic element of preventive health care that should be performed regularly
  2. A stool test can detect human parasites as well as digestive system problems
  3. A stool test can check your stools for blood, which may be one of the first symptoms of colon cancer
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Faecal examination – what is it?

The stool test involves taking a stool sample that can be subjected to microscopic, bacteriological and chemical evaluation in the laboratory. A stool test allows you to check how your digestive system is working and whether there has been any internal bleeding, such as blood in the stools.

On the basis of the laboratory diagnostics of feces, it is possible to find out whether there are parasites or eggs laid by them in the intestines. The most common are pinworms, tapeworms and roundworms.

Faecal examination – basic parameters

During the stool examination, particular attention is paid to the increased presence of carbohydrates and fats, which may indicate problems with the pancreas, liver or malabsorption syndrome.

Stool culture can detect the presence of bacteria such as Salmonella and Escherichioa Coli. Fecal occult blood, on the other hand, may be one of the first symptoms of colon cancer.

Faecal examination and diseases of the digestive system

The stool test is one of the basic tests that allow for quick diagnosis of digestive system diseases. It is most often performed in the presence of ailments such as abdominal pain or problems with defecation, but it is also worth doing prophylactically once a year.

The stool test allows you to detect not only parasites, but also to check for the presence of undigested food debris. For patients, however, the parameter that checks the presence of occult blood in the stool is the most important. This screening test is performed not only to diagnose colorectal cancer, but also to diagnose peptic ulcer disease and detect polyps.

The fecal occult blood test is one of the components of the Abdominal E-packet available on Medonet Market, which also includes a fecal calproctectin test to help diagnose intestinal inflammation, as well as the diagnosis of lamblia by ELISA in the stool. In addition to stool tests, the package includes a complete morphology and basic urine test.

Faecal examination in children – when to do?

Faecal examination in children is most often performed to confirm or rule out the presence of parasites in the body. They can also be carried out in the event of food poisoning.

Stool examination also makes it possible to rule out rotavirus and adenovirus infections. A stool sample in a child should be taken immediately after defecation, in infants – a sample can be taken from a diaper.

The editorial board recommends: Constipation in children – diagnosis, causes, ways of constipation

How to prepare for a stool test?

It is advisable to start preparations for stool examination at least three days in advance by increasing the supply of fiber. We can find it in buckwheat, whole grain bread, brown rice or bran. We should also discontinue medications that may affect stool content. This mainly applies to agents containing iron or acetylsalicylic acid.


The stool examination should be postponed for women who are in their period as blood will be detected in the stool. This can give a false picture of internal bleeding and should be reported to a gastroenterologist.

The stool for examination should be collected in the morning before any hygienic activities are performed. It is best to put a small piece of stool with a spatula into a special sterile container. Such a kit can be purchased at the pharmacy.

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